What are your guy's goals for 2019?


Tú más que nadie mereces ser feliz
First thread I've made on here. I should really be doing my Anatomy project though. I just wanted to know, since it's a new year and all, what are your guy's goals/resolutions for 2019? Anything specific or interesting? I am determined to make this year a great one. My two resolutions are: 1. To be a better person overall and 2. To not watch any porn the whole year, which hasn't happened since 2013. Yep!
In my ¨How has this year been for you?¨ thread, I stated that I don't really have any serious new year's resolutions, but for the sake of this thread, I came up with some:
  • To eat less sugar and more fruit. When I was ill, I didn't eat much fruit, as my this would put too much burden on my already weakened guts. But when I got better, I didn't pick up my fruit eating, which in't good, because now I need my vitamins even more than before, to assure successfull further healing. But because there's a lot of sugar in most fruits, this ain't gonna be easy.
  • To play more games. Yes, really. I wanna play more games, and do more game-related things overall. (like watching fanart, listening OST's, etc.)
  • To finally finish my numerous unfinished fanfics. I often get good ideas to use in my fanfics when I'm doing something else, but they are forgotten by the time I want to write them down, and when I continue writing the story, I have a lack of inspiration, or realise that what I wanted to write doesn't fit into the rest of the story.
  • To visit Wario Forums and the Discord more frequently.
To not watch any porn the whole year, which hasn't happened since 2013. Yep!
The whole year? WATthehell: How are you possibly going to survive No Nut November? You really don't realise what kind of cruel challenge you put yourself into, do you? :wah:
I still masturbate, without porn. Although I need to cut back on that as well. I have a strong distaste for pornography because of how it unrealisticly portrays women and sex, how it treats the actors in the industry, and many more reasons. I don't want to have this part of my life that I hide anymore, I want to rely on real connections with real people. Porn is like a drug that has been normalized into society and yet these people wonder why their sex life isn't as great. Seriously, it has spooky comparisons with the tobacco industry when doctors said it was okay vs. porn companies paying Snapchat to lie, and keep in mind the platform is geared towards teens, who are the most fragile and likely to become addicted. But that's just what I think, haha.
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I still masturbate, without porn. Although I need to cut back on that as well. I have a strong distaste for pornography because of how it unrealisticly portrays women and sex, how it treats the actors in the industry, and many more reasons. I don't want to have this part of my life that I hide anymore, I want to rely on real connections with real people. Porn is like a drug that has been normalized into society and yet these people wonder why their sex life isn't as great. Seriously, it has spooky comparisons with the tobacco industry when doctors said it was okay vs. porn companies paying Snapchat to lie, and keep in mind the platform is geared towards teens, who are the most fragile and likely to become addicted. But that's just what I think, haha.

Yeah, I too have my fair share of criticism on pornography, but since I already knew it's not realistic at all, I don't think I've been ¨brainwashed¨ by it. If you want a more realistic image, skip the videos and go to Pornhub's picture section instead. It's surprisingly more diverse. I have never been addicted to porn, because most of the videos are too tame for me anyway, so I usually get bored pretty soon.
I'm with @It's Pizza Time on cutting back on porn as it's gotten pretty bad at this point and I should probably get off it. I also want to gain better self-confidence & social skills, go on an actual fucking date with somebody and stop cracking all of my joints on my fingers/toes 'cause it's caused them to become all swollen

On a more light-hearted note, I'm hoping to write some more songs, keep getting better at it, and start showing them off more to people. I also want to start a collection of animation art ( drawings, storyboards, cels, etc.)
Yeah, I totally get it @Just a Wario Fan. Everyone's different!
On a more light-hearted note, I'm hoping to write some more songs, keep getting better at it, and start showing them off more to people. I also want to start a collection of animation art ( drawings, storyboards, cels, etc.)
Totally man! I love art and music as well and I'm working on a bunch of cool content for my DeviantArt account. Lately, I've been also getting into writing stories. I would love to become a children's author when I grow up, plus I could illustrate the pictures too!
@It's Pizza Time Sweet! I used to want to be an animator, but I ain't good enough at drawing- not to be self-deprecating or anything, I'm honestly just legitimately not practiced enough, so at this point animating isn't probably something I'd look at. I'm now mostly interested in music and filmmaking though a side-passion for me has always been game design. Now that I think of it, I also want to try and create at least a few homemade films, now that I've finished Art of Film class and gotten the chance to make a few.

You have a link to your account anywhere? I'd love to check your stuff out at some point.
Wicked cool! I'm in love with game design as well, which is how I've gotten into making music, as I'm making original music for my game. I live for RPG Maker games (Yume Nikki got me into them) so I'm making one, which you can find here: Game Jolt - Indie games for the love of it or here. My DeviantArt account is here, although I haven't taken a single art class in my life. I'm an amateur cartoonist at best, but even that's being generous.
Here's my goals
I plan on being more productive hopefully and put more time into reading/drawing/etc then I have and maybe get my work out there more then I have.

So...not that different from last year really.
Not disappear from these forums like I have been. And continue my healthy grind from last year. I'm still on it but I have been slipping up what with candy turkey and holiday ham.
1. Drink more water. I've already been replacing other drinks I have with meals with a bottle. It really helps, even if you're not matching the ridiculous (to me) "8 bottles a day" quota.
2. Focus on people who actually care about me and my interests. I've had a lot of drama magnets around me but better friends have helped me out of it, so I want to focus less on people who I think are important and more on those who actually make me a better person and are truthful with me.
3. Post my drawings more. I draw a lot more than I post, so I'm aiming to upload stuff every weekend, even if it's just a class doodle. I need some sort of archive of my progress, even if the drawings don't get that much attention.
It really helps, even if you're not matching the ridiculous (to me) "8 bottles a day" quota.

Eight bottles a day? That's 4 litres! (Assuming you're talking about those small 0.5 l bottles.) That's twice the daily recommended amount of 2 l per day. And remember, those 2 litres don't necessarily have to be water. Coffee, tea, juice, dinking yoghurt etc. are also almost entirely made up of water.
Eight bottles a day? That's 4 litres! (Assuming you're talking about those small 0.5 l bottles.) That's twice the daily recommended amount of 2 l per day. And remember, those 2 litres don't necessarily have to be water. Coffee, tea, juice, dinking yoghurt etc. are also almost entirely made up of water.
Sorry! I forgot to mention I'm using the imperial system. I'm counting the bottles in oz, which are usually 8oz here. 8 x 8 is 64 oz, the recommended amount in America, so still about 2 liters :P I guess your small water bottles are larger for some reason (half a liter is like 17oz!).
I'll be graduating uni in the spring. Not sure what'll come after that.
Take advantage of your education and become a professional shitposter. Don't stop daBBing until you have firmly secured your #1 Victory Royale.

Also, strive to begin incorporating ;semicolons; into everything you write so it makes you look more smarter; see it works. :GBWario: