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And don't I deserve the best?
I will get the nintendo switch and I will get it on march 3 with the new zelda game also pre order it with the red and blue
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I'd want to sometime soon but I'd also want a PS4 since there's some games I want for it as well as playstation store. The new SMT and Dragon Quest games seem amazing just as BotW so far anyways.
I'm getting one, have my money all prepared, it will be hell since it'll all come down to 430$ for the console itself, games and a controller, who knows, there might be other things I'll either need or want.

Still a lot cheaper than the PS4 and Xbox one, though they have good games and the only good game for the Switch at launch is Botw, I'm personally waiting for Mario Kart, can't wait to see what that's all about, with the two item thing. Will certainly make for a somewhat new experience, maybe it will stop screwing me over with the coins. I hope there's a lot more games down the line that we haven't heard about though.
Ill be getting a good amount of money back in my tax return here soon, but I wont be using it on a switch.

The reason, there are several games for older consoles I really wanna get that I havent gotten to play yet, and together they will cost about the same amount of money as the switch : p So I could either get a bunch of games Ive been wanting to play for a while now, or just get the new Nintendo console plus one game for it merely to have the new Nintendo console : p

Since Im not the kind of person who feels the need to own the newest thing, I feel okay with my decision : p

When the price of the console and games go down a bit, I might look into getting one.
I won't be getting one, myself. Money is far too tight, and I've got an endless shopping list of games for old systems I've been hunting for years.

Mind you, if Nintendo ever get off their backside and release a worthwhile Wario adventure game for the Switch, I may consider buying it in the future (when I can afford it).
I'm planning to get it March 3, but my guess is that it'll be sold out by the time I get to the store. For that reason I went ahead and pre-ordered both the Switch version AND the WiiU version of BotW, so that I can play it on launch day regardless of whether I can get my hands on a Switch or not.
The Switch is coming soon but I can't have it so this is how I feel
I'm considering it. Not sure if I'll be able to get it quickly though, since apparently the console is selling pretty well at the moment (and Nintendo's actually marketing it in the UK too).

But hey, if I don't get it soon, I'll get it when Super Mario Odyssey comes out.
Tried to get one at launch, but they sold out by the time I got there. I was told to wait until April before trying again.