(aka: Gundam Crossfire)
I've mentioned this game in a similar context before, but I figure I'll elaborate.
-The game is a complete technical disaster, pairing a framerate that's only constant in failing to hit above 20 FPS, noticeable fog, and generally poor assets beside the decent Mobile Suit models.
This video isn't the result of a bad capture card, a defective ps3 or whatever:
that's how the game actually runs.
-Simple and uncreative mission designs.
-Laughable production values.
-Plenty of minor game design issues (idiotic AI, an order mechanic that doesn't work because there's no indicator to tell if your allies are acknowledging your orders... etc)
-The game feature a varied roster of MS for both Zeon and the Feddies, with some unorthodox choices (For ex: The
Hildolfr, not really a mech as much as a giant tank destroyer with a quarter-assed "mech mode").
-Furthermore, all mechs can be extensively upgraded and most have a large variety of weapons to choose from.
-There's an interesting time management aspect: You can freely choose assignements, but you're on a schedule: After certains days, missions will become unavailable and others will open up. At the same time, ordering new mechs, doing upgrades, repairs... etc, takes certain amount of ingame time, so you need to make tough decisions.
-The control scheme is actually quite good when you realize it's not meant to be played like your average dual analog shooter. For one, it's the only Gundam game (I know of) that lets you fire head vulcans and your primary weapon at the same time.
-Fun realism slant. There's a good sense of weight to your mech's movement, everyone's arm/legs/shoulders/head. including yours, can be destroyed, with appropriate effect, your allies will eventually become tired and less effective if you take them on too many assignements in a short time (and the opposite), your ammo supply is limited so if all your supply points are destroyed, you're shit out of luck, etc.
I tremendously enjoyed it and played through each side's campaigns 3 times. I'm a fucking idiot.