Your voice

My voice is a bit on the deeper end as well and sometimes raspy. I used to not like it because I thought it was abnormal for girls to have deep voices and I remember one time in middle school this girl tried to insult me by saying I "sound like a man", but I'm fine with my voice now. I mean, a deeper voice is kind of an attractive quality and can make a woman sound more strong/powerful.
Haha, I am legitimately shocked by your voice, King Hehehe : p I know you said it was lower than people imagine but whoa : p Haha its a way cool voice, though. You could be a voice actor.

I may post my voice, maybe. But I only have one vocaroo recording that Id be comfortable sharing, and I just learned today that vocaroo actually deletes them after a while, so Ill have to see if its still existent : p
Glad to see people think so. I've been told I have a good voice a lot before. I'm not very good at impressions or accents, though. The best impression I have is probably Darth Vader.
I've probably attempted it, although considering I can't accurately hear my voice the same way other people do unless I listen to a recording, I can't attest to its quality.