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I just called Nintendo of America promotions hotline with a Wario voice saying I was entering the Wario Contest and they should get my voice back into that new Wario game before its too late. I'm going to keep calling them talking about Wario.

Legit someone answered the phone and said they were named Venus and I pretended I had garlic in my ear and couldn't hear so they would say like the planet then I said OHHH MAMA MIA I OWNED MY OWN PLANET ONCE
(wario land reference) then went WAHAHAHAHAAHA
at the end I wished Venus a Rotten day and they wished it back so I informed them that was very polite of them and the world doesn't have enough manners now adays and blew her the raspberries


  • Wario.mp3
    112.5 KB
really :D? I have really bad recording equiptment I think if I work on it I could put more character and flavor into what I heard in that commercial
Baker Man
Baker Man
my recording stuff is bad too, but i could do a pretty good one too


  • wario.mp3
    36.4 KB
Hell yeah, we need to all show up at nintendo's door with way better warios to choose from
rate my tier list, the twist: you must use a pizza tower rank (D, C, B, A, S, P)
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What's up my garlics? Today this sexy beast Wario will be showing you that this idiot on the WAHrio forums, yes they made a forum about ME! THAT'S HOW ATTRACTIVE I AM! made a tier list about my MERCHANDISING. I can't believe the nerve! I'm attractive in every way. Now, I don't know about you, but i'd have sex with ALL these Wario's! WAHAHAHAHA! Not that i'm into selfcest or anything... Hey, don't judge me! You'd do the same too!