I apologize (to anyone who cares) for the lack of Wario Teaches Typing, Oh Boi said he'd finish the Christmas special on Sunday but he's been busy, I finished the New Year's special, and we're not doing the normal story until we finish the Christmas special, and I don't wanna do any work on the Christmas special since that'll seem like I'm getting impatient. Also, on Christmas, one of my presents was a day out with my dad sometime soon, specifically on a weekend.
What I'm saying is, the weekend that Oh Boi isn't so busy with school shit, if it's not the weekend I'm going out with my dad (and even then, that won't change much, maybe just giving me MORE ideas), is when the story continues.
TL;DR: Sorry for no Wario Teaches Typing, the real world is catching up to the authors (Oh Boi, Dabbit and myself), and I hope you understand (Although I know probably only a few of you even care).
- Cheers, BM
I don't remember which one I used since my signature's been the same since 2014. I *think* it might be Signavatar..?