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With the 0 degree weather here for like a week, and with a bit of snow and Christmas decorations everywhere all month, it is like as if it were a December all month already lol.
Baker Man
Baker Man
0c, right?
We got like only an afternoon during November of snow without any sticking to the floor. Winter does not winter around where I live.

Beat Sigil! It's supposed to be a sort of fifth episode for Doom 1, which means no Super Shotgun nor Doom II demons. Still a fun experience though! The music is awesome, I was hanging on by pretty much nothing at the end because I was almost out of ammo and health, but the music was pumping me the fuck up!!! Good shit.
Is the internet in the Mario universe still called "the Internet?" It has to exist, because of Wario's laptop in Inc.
Are you sure it's not called "Marionet" ?
The 3rd Wario Brother
The 3rd Wario Brother
The Mushroom World should call it Mass Connected Mycelium instead of World Wide Web.
I forgot to mention it, but I beat Doom II: No Rest For the Living! Interesting little expansion that has eight levels as if it was an episode from the first Doom. Won't post a screenshot because the end screen was the same as Doom II's, so it'd be kind of look like I posted the same one, but I liked it! Levels were cool. Currently playing through Sigil, when I beat that I will post about it.
Spooky boi
Spooky boi
Truly a spooky episode, who knows, maybe we might make a whole ass Halloween special next year...
Played VB Wario Land using a 3DS emulator for the first time. Honeslty, I'm kind of mad that it released on Virtual Boy because that game has amazing graphics annd great controls. I might even argue that Wario never controlled as well as in this game. Something about his charge attack in this game feels great compared to the other games.

Also, I'd have to say the stereoscopic 3D effects look really cool. I didn't care for them much but when faced with the first boss I was pleasantly suprised with how well it works !

Alas, its palette due to being on Virtual Boy is lacking making the levels feel a bit samey. To lessen this flaw, I'd recommend changing the color scheme at each level. But it's not really fixing the issue, just making it a bit less worse. Plus, it still has the get touched, turn small mechanic of the Mario games which I'm not a fan of since it makes you unable to charge which is by far the funnest thing to do in the game.

I've yet to finish the game, so maybe it gets really bad or really good afterward and I'm just not aware.
Yellow Pyoro
Yellow Pyoro
I agree about the charge attack/how Wario controls. It might be best of all the WL games.
It would be really amazing to try one day. Nobody misses stereoscopic 3d, but it was really good and I notice the 3d despite people saying they do not notice it.
For the next Mario Party, NDcube needs to get rid of the ally system and stop giving everyone so many coins.

I fucking love Psychopomp now, so I shall now make it what my profile is themed after.

This monstrosity now exists because I was trying to make a new banner, but it didn't fit the banner size in a way
that'd look good, so enjoy staring at it
Since this is my first time messing around with MIDIs, I did a little test by replacing The Big Board from Wario Land 4's intruments by Sonic ones. It isn't very good but I thought I'd put it here either way :
Yeah, I'm not used to work with soundfonts so I kinda struggle to find the right instruments (especially with the fact that I have trouble understanding music terminology) but I hope I'll get used to it eventually.
Baker Man
Baker Man
There are times where I just fiddle around until I hit the right instruments, you get used to it eventually.
Yeah, that's what I did too. I also spent sometime looking for a complete enough soundfont but I couldn't find the 3D Blast instruments I wanted to use.
If you put me in your wallet, your wealth will double by tomorrow...
My organs aren't of good condition, so you may get laughed at for trying to sell them. Instead, consider deep frying them and selling them on the street.
This might be one of the most concerning self-depricating jokes I've heard in a long time.
Don't be afraid, I am a god in human flesh waiting to bloom like a flower when it sees the sun.
Happy birthday! Seeing the address on your account really makes me want to scope out that place for myself, it looks delicious... if I ever go to that state, that is.
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Thank you for the birthday wish!! If you ever get around to going to the state Wario's Beef and Pork is in, please bring a Wario item for a photo. :wahlaughback:
Ah, I do not have any. I can always print out a picture of Wario to carry with me though!
That works, we need Wario to see the restaurant named after him :p
Happy 1 year anniversary to my favorite game on the Nintendo Switch!! I love it so much as someone who grew up playing Smooth Moves!!

Well, both this game and Superstars are good multiplayer experiences, but I would say that if you do not have as many friends around to play with, go with Move It! because the story mode suffices well. I would not say that the game has that much toilet humor, but there is some cake. It took twelve game in the series to have a microgame about unclogging a toilet, and there is only one in the entire series (1700+ microgames) that has Wario farting.
I was refering to the cake when I was talking about toilet humor. It's doing a diservice to Wario honestly. I feel like the series is going from quriky yet full of personality to just immature. That's actually what actually kept me away from Wario as a kid, I really didn't the find the humor in the modern Wario all that funny, not knowing that there's more to it than that.
That is fair, although I personally do not agree, I understand it.