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  • Honestly I am really surprised by the level of activity we're getting now. Even when Get It Together came out we didn't have this much activity.
    The children yearns for forums
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    yeah, more people got into wario in that time
    New WarioWare and some great Wario Land inspired games what sorcery is this
    Here's a funny (or maybe actually tragic) story I'll share with you all. About a day before the eShop closed down, I was charging my 3DS to download some games but I accidentally tripped over the cable and knocked the 3DS onto the floor. It still turned on but as if fate wanted to mock me the Wi-Fi was the one thing that stopped working.
    It's crazy to me that people still post on this site even a little but nonetheless it's always great to see people passionate about Wario.
    With my dying breath I will say:
    I am still unconvinced Arewo Shitain and Mad Scienstein are the same character.
    One of my favorite Wario Forums memories is some guy coming in and immediately starting a debate with another user about women's professional wrestling that lasted like 3 pages and then they left and never came back.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Kaptain K. Rool
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    My favourite memory of Wario Forums days gone is when we had the chatbox. The things that happened there were too bizarre to think about, so perhaps it's a good thing that function is no more. Just makes me realise how tame Wario Forums has become over the years.

    That, and that one time when I and some other dude managed to somehow start a Shantae fad that completely overtook the Forums for no reason at all, lol.
    I sort of check this place from time to time but I'm thoroughly embarrassed by how I acted during my time here lol
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Yeah, me too. There's a reason why I will never go back to some threads, and it's because of exactly that.
    But then again, doesn't everyone have this to some degree?
    I have returned as a changed man and I am here to atone for all of my past sins. Let's get business started by saying I really really really really do not care for Waluigi and I like Ashley better.
    Good ol' Big Mama
    • Like
    Reactions: Magma
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    We admire your honesty and have nothing but utmost respect for anyone's sincere beliefs, but...

    Why not care for Waluigi?
    Waluigi deserves to be loved too! :thiefkneeling::thiefkneeling::waluigithumbsup:

    • Like
    Reactions: Magma
    Personally, I just prefer Wario having his own identity. I feel like with 2 full fledged series of his own, Wario has moved past his character just being an "evil Mario". Having Waluigi around just feels like a regression of his character. Putting him in Land or Ware would be along the lines of putting DK Jr or Stanley the Bugman in the Donkey Kong Country games. That said, I've always maintained that I wouldn't mind seeing Waluigi in a new kind of Wario game, much like Pauline reappearing in the Mario vs Donkey Kong games.
    Do you need a forum account to use the Discord server or something I forget. Because otherwise I don't get why people are still signing up for a website that peaked 5 years ago.
    Hey, well if these rumors of a new Land are true then this place would be perfect for discussing it!
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    @Magma , I can understand your cynicism, but please don't put such things in the "Latest profile posts" section right here on the home page; we don't want to make any potential new members feel reluctant to join our Forums.
    And besides, it's not all dead though. From time to time, it can be quite busy here, like in the past week or so. Yes, such occurrences are few and far between, I agree, but it's not that Wario forums is near abandoned. At least keep the mood up.
    @Just a Wario Fan oh it's not cynicism as I long have stopped considering myself an active member of this community. I get why people would still stick around. I just wonder what makes new people bother signing up in the first. Just a weird sense of wonder.
    Who is Kennethabick and why do they still log in after being banned for nearly a month
    Imagining an alternate timeline where Metal said this to WarioFan69 instead of what he actually ended up saying:
    He still would've probably gotten banned
    ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Make sure to eat lots of lasagna and enjoy yourself!
    I'm definitely trying my best in these trying times, thank you.
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