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  • Whenever you put so much effort into something,and yet everything else (aka stupid and silly stuff) gets more attention... ;-;
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    Reactions: Dangerous Duck
    Dangerous Duck
    Dangerous Duck
    That's what sells these days; random spontaneous nonsense. And not just on the Internet. Entertainment such as popular animation worships it now (Cartoon Network, specifically).

    Don't lower your standards. You need to find a unique edge that makes you stand out in an appealing way. Brainstorm!
    Yup,uniqueness is what I excell at. I don't really have low standards,I just don't have enough motivation...
    My headphones broke....again. =/ I don't have a mic now.
    Oh yeah,I also added the chat to the videos! =P
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    Reactions: Robin
    Cool! Including the chat helps viewers understand what's going on, post-stream. Although be careful of dumb viewers, if they start saying crap on chat, it'll be there forever!
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    Reactions: Rei
    Yeah. I may just record livestreams,then split them up into episode! Once the whole series/section of the series is over I'll make that stream public. I'm not doing it for pokemon gold though. I'm still thinking it over though. I'll probably make the stream unlisted and post the link in the chat once the stream is over.
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    Reactions: Robin
    Yay,tomorrow I get to mess with OBS and try to figure out high preformance and quality for youtube videos...mainly for the stream Wednesday.
    So when I'm on pratically nobodys on,when I leave everyone apparently starts partying. Jeez, gimmie some cake too!
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    Reactions: Robin
    You gotta get up bright and early to talk to these people.
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    Reactions: Rei
    1:00AM is a time I'm not gonna be up at...
    I'm going to be gone for most of the day,I'll check every 2-3 hours though. I'm trying to learn to animate better. =P
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    Reactions: Robin
    Nice! What software are you going to use to animate?
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    Reactions: Rei
    I'm using a program called Scratch,It can be used for making games,animations,stories,really anything that your imagination can come up with! (And the limitation obviously. =P) I recomend using it for simple animations. It's easy to learn and use. You literally draw things and then put some blocks together to make something.
    Mhuhahahah! I've figured out how to get Golden Stags in AC:NL easily! I have 5 already!
    In Animal Crossing a spider jumped out at me and I let it get to me and it made me faint! I didn't even know that could happen...
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    Reactions: Ninja_Cat and Robin
    Huh,Maybe I can find one sometime...
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    Reactions: Robin
    JS Shantae
    JS Shantae
    My friend and I once spent all summer trying to catch that damn scorpion. It became our mission. After weeks of trying, we finally got the little bastard. I didn't even give him to the museum--He's in my house, a living testament to our will.
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    Reactions: Rei
    They like water apparently.
    =/ I just noticed Kerberos is profile is unviewable and her icon is gone...I'm a bit neverous she's left...
    I don't understand why people don't like a lot of puns. =P Or any puns for that matter.
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    Reactions: MonaWare
    Yeah! Chugga's puns aren't thaat bad...okay, maybe they are but --- yeah. :P
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    Reactions: Rei
    I can understand why,but I also can't. XP I know it's weird.
    Drawing is definitely a good way to do something while waiting. =) I just wish I was able to show you guys my art...
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