Rei Sep 3, 2016 Alleluia! I shall be streaming tomorrow! It should start 2 hours later. And no,it won't be 6 hours! Only 2.
Alleluia! I shall be streaming tomorrow! It should start 2 hours later. And no,it won't be 6 hours! Only 2.
Rei Sep 1, 2016 I was singing this around school...What the heck is wrong with me?! I was singing this around school...What the heck is wrong with me?!
Rei Sep 1, 2016 I'm thinking about silent let's play videos,1. Muuuuuch easier to work with. 2. Better for me because I don't need to listen to my voice...
I'm thinking about silent let's play videos,1. Muuuuuch easier to work with. 2. Better for me because I don't need to listen to my voice...
Rei Aug 31, 2016 Hoping to crank out a video tomorrow or Thursday! Or today? Really depends. It's more just updates and stuff.
Hoping to crank out a video tomorrow or Thursday! Or today? Really depends. It's more just updates and stuff.
Rei Aug 25, 2016 Hoping to feel better soon,letting you guys know I've gotten strep throat. I've been having to rest a lot...
Hoping to feel better soon,letting you guys know I've gotten strep throat. I've been having to rest a lot...