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  • Yo, i read that Warioware: Get it together have released in Hong Kong ( unlike us, who will get it in one week ), so watch out for all the spoilers.
    Thank for the heads up. Seems kind of weird that it's going to release in Hong Kong earlier than the US but eh...
    Wasn't it leaked, rather than released?
    I guess. But I read on Twitter that it got released in Hong Kong before in other countries. But still, take that info with a grain of salt.






    Some sketches that i made on sticky notes. I wanted to sketch my characters in the style of Warioware: Get it together and i wanna draw them like this in the future and also explain what kinda abilities they would have if they where in the game.
    My friend told me that she had a dream about an edit I did of the opening cutscene of Warioware Get it together, but instead of the game console ( or the Fortnite gift card in her edited version ), my version was apparently Wario holding a bowl of baked beans. Well...
    Big bowl of baked beans.jpg

    I decided to do this since I couldn't let that opportunity go to waste-
    Woah, did you draw your banner-thingy?
    Eyup. I wanted to try out a new style for Maria, as a what if she had a series outside of Warioware. I think it went pretty well!
    You're such a great artist!
    Aaaawe, thank you so much! I love trying out new art styles and i am starting to get really good at this anime/weirdcore aesthetic style.
    Remember that story I made about Wario and Scooter, with Wario talking about his movie? Well, I really wanna make another story with Scooter and his cafe/pub. This time, about Jimmy T, then I can do Mona later on. I don't really have a story yet about Jimmy though...maybe about his wig or something? If you have any ideas, please share them with me, I really wanna know!
    I had a dream that I was playing volleyball with Jimmy T. once and his wig fell into the water. Maybe you can turn that into some giant undersea adventure or something?
    Maybe. It could be something fun!
    I remember a dumb story me and my friend made a long while back, about Elon Musk ( LONG before that SNL sketch ) teaming up with our oc’s and other warioware characters, to defeat Wario and Elon Musk’s infant from scamming and taking over Diamond City. After that, Pickle Rick came in to save the day with the dream team and Wario decides to fusion with Tutu Boom Boom to destroy the gang once and for all. Spoilers: it didin’t work. Lol
    Here is what my friend sketched of what the fusion would looked like-
    Welp, i am now 20 and officially a grown up...i'm old..
    Dangerous Duck
    Dangerous Duck
    Old...?? You've only just left your teens! To the adult world, you're nothing but a snot-nosed babe at 20. Not even a youth! Once you reach your mid 30's then you can start calling yourself "old" without the risk of ridicule.
    Damn, Jawf's only 2 years older than me? I'd had this mental impression of you being, like, perpetually between 25 and 27 for as long as I've known you
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    @tahutoa You're definitely not the first one to have said that.
    I think it has something to do with the fact that throughout much of my educational career I was either the oldest of my class, thus somewhat having the self-imposed responsibility to act as an example for others, or the youngest, and as such being surrounded by older people to learn from.

    Something stupid that i made-
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Very nice, but someone already covered Wario:

    Still good though. When he said "My soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos", I felt that.
    Remember me talking about that commenter that roleplayed all the sudden on my video?
    Luckily, they apologized, and i said it was ok and such, and all was well...welp, after i told her it was ok, she was offended that i said ” it’s ok man ”, since she demanded that i should call her a girl, despite it is a normal saying for me and i call everyone dude and man.
    Welp, i tried to be nice, but honestly, idk anymore-
    ( also, this ain’t the first time someone getting offended just because i said ” dude ” or ” man ” to them )
    Jeez some people get offended about the most ridiculous things don't they?

    Honestly though, my advice is just to ignore this person, they're clearly more trouble than they're worth.
    Eh, i have been thinking about blocking them a long time now. Plus, idk why, but i suddenly remembered of another person that i talked to when i was on deviantart that got mad just because i don't draw their fav show anymore. Maybe was the same person, who knows? But yeah, thanks for the advice anyway.
    Welp, i know it is too late already, but eh, whatever. Happy new year! Hope this year is even better than before.

    Plus, i am working on something special once again.

    Ok, i found this person doing this rant on Lulu from Warioware Gold, so you can see my response to it here. Sure, they are probably doing this for fun or something but idk, it has just boggle my mind for a while now. Sorry for my ranty nature, i just had to respond to it-
    Screw all my other Warioware OC’s, here is the ultimate OC that i have, TUTU BOOM BOOM! He is a half alien, half mermaid, 10% vampire and 90% human! His full name is Testaciular Boomer Boomz, and he is the ultimate chad ever. He is best friends with Young Cricket ( who actully HATES his guts ) and he gets all the ladies, since he has three dongs. He can also defeat Shaggy 0.0000000001 of his powers and can travel universe to universe and pick up chicks there. He is the best character ever, DO NOT STEAL-
    ( andforlegalreasonsthisisajoke )


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    Lmao what
    Funny thing, he is actully based on a really crappy mary sue oc that i found that was related to Warioware ( hell, she is resting on his shoulder at the left ) and she was the typical princess that was friends with everyone, was a half alien and human and everyone wanted to pork her. I thought it would be funny to draw what a Gary stu Warioware oc would be like, so i drew this monstrocity.
    Also that Mary sue i found was on deviantart, because of course
    Ey, i got a comment on my Wario dies video!
    Luckily, it is no hate comment...but it is a roleplay comment...and the person was roleplaying with themselfs. Honestly, i really don't want these comments on my videos, since it is just pointless and i don't wanna be spammed with these. Plus, they are pretty hard to take seriously.
    Look, i love roleplays, but please do it on other sites with other people, not on youtube. Espacilly when people can see it.
    It is kinda my fault, since i got these people seeing my video, but still...come on man, it is a Wario dies, not some roleplay playground!
    • Friendly
    Reactions: tahutoa
    Hey thanks man. But honestly, i don’t really want be spammed with these people who roleplay with themselfs. Espacilly if it is something fetish related. But yeah, i should probably ignore it. If it continiues or if they act rudely, then i can take action.
    I remember this one guy was posting comments on some of my OST videos giving basically track titles which I eventually figured out were for some non-existent game of his. Eventually some guy replied to one of them asking what the H he was talking about, and the dude completely flipped. Apparently, he's from Japan, is still learning English, has autism, and is about as volatile as someone whose first language was English.
    I remember he jumped to ':SMad:are you making fun of:ashleymad: me because of my autism:ashleymad::SMad:??? because if you bla bla bla bla' somewhere in his re-reply. That guy who'd initially replied was like 'dude, I didn't even know you had autism', because as I recall, the revelation that he had autism was in itself part of that re-reply (which was like a mile long, btw). Makes me glad that I originally opted to do nothing and let him do whatever.

    Although, I do think I might have asked out of curiosity what exactly his stuff was supposed to be (or it might've been someone else), because I have this vague recollection of being put off by the vibe he gave off in his reply to me. It felt like... someone on a tightrope, poised above a giant Nuclear Launch button; you watch as he wobbles in place, staring you dead in the eye with this furrowed expression. He could've just saved all that shit in a word document and pasted links to the tracks these titles stood in for, but ultimately it was harmless.

    In conclusion, yeah, it's better to leave comments which have no place on one's video completely untouched, because the fact they are there in the first place hints that the person has a lack of understanding in overall netiquette.

    Were they at least roleplaying as Wario characters?
    Yeah. They just roleplayed with Wario characters, plus Mario, since Mario did appear later in the video. But how they potrayed the characters and how they did this two times, espacilly with this kinda fetish related in the comment, it made me uncomfortable. I at least asked if they could please not comment these kinda stuff and not start roleplays. But yeah, again, thanks for the advice. I shall think of it next time.

    I said this before, i really don’t like releasing info about who i really am, espacilly if i have autism or not, but i know these people, and i know that they do these stuff at times, probably to entertain themselfs. I am just not really comfortable with fetish type of stuff.
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