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  • You kids have it too easy. Back in my day, we didn't have refrigerators, we had salt!

    Ustedes niños tienen todo demasiado fácil. En aquel entonces, no teníamos refrigeradores, ¡teníamos sal!
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    [insert obligatory Cranky Kong reference here]
    You're just jealous 'cuz you weren't spoiled, like us. And all your food.

    I have an unhealthy obsession with this song.
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    Reactions: MonaWare
    Oh, this is that guy who made that stupid In My Car song which I don't actually hate but my mom played it a looooooooot when I was younger
    doesn't mean i dislike this though

    Sounds perfect for Topaz Passage
    @tahutoa You should totally check out his music! Listen to his album Dance, it has a lot of interesting instrumentation I think you would enjoy! ¡En serio!
    Are friends electric and M.E. are a couple of my favorite songs vy him.
    I loved the art direction of Game & Wario, if we could get a full-on WarioWare game with the same style and an equally amazing single player, multiplayer, and online mode on the Switch that would be a dream come true!
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    But the problem is, many people didn't like that style.
    Not the design of the characters, but of everything else, pretty much. I love how the microgames in the Gamer mode were so fast paced, with quirky ideas and actual pictures of people for some of them! I also really like the music of them. That's what I want more of.
    It is finally official!! I have completed Wario Land: Shake It! 100% after all these years!! I love this game so much, it is the best game in the series with one of the best video game soundtracks of all time!! The hardest parts were definitely the money and time missions in Lowdown Depths and beating the Shake King without taking any damage. ¡Qué padre!
    Hey, how's your day today?
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    Reactions: GreenToxic
    Hopefully laziness don’t get to me either!
    Have you ever played any of the Wario Land games? I have played 3 and Shake It! (one of the best video games ever), although I desperately want to try 4.
    No, and due to me being to poor, I won’t be able to buy the or have plans to play then online instead. I planned my next game to be Mortal Kombat 11.
    Ese momento cuando fallas tu prueba de español porque escribiste "jugué" y no "juegue".
    @tahutoa Close. That moment when you fail your Spanish quiz because you wrote "jugué" (I played) and not "juegue" (I play, subjunctive).
    DAMMIT, that was my first guess

    Also, are you taking a Spanish class despite seemingly being fluent, y' fuckin' cheat
    ¿¡Qué estás diciendo!? That's just plain ridiculous. I wish I was fluent. I am learning because I am half Salvadoran on my dad's side, and because I find learning languages to be super interesting. I'm going into Spanish 7/8 next year at my high school, every one of my teachers have been impressed with how good I am at it. Not to brag or anything haha.
    If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, don't be sad about it. Think about having one as an extra bonus; you should be happy either way.
    I found out about MGTOW today and I honestly don't know what to say. Women are capable of love, right?
    If guys don't want to be in relationships, that's fine. But them scaring me by saying women can't love, and being blatantly sexist by saying they are money-sucking leeches? Awful. Why do they hate women so much?
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    It's just another subculture founded on extremist bullshit.
    @It's Pizza Time Chances are, someone hurt them deeply in the past (it may surprise you to learn that Dunkey probably would've agreed with the sentiment before he met Leah), or they've reached a point where disappointment has turned to bitterness. And of course, with some entitled fuckbags here and there.

    I'm a firm believer that beyond the presence/absence of dick, the only differences between the sexes is entirely caused by hormonal differences-- differing body types, how easy/hard it is to build muscle, and the infamous period's effects, but that's pretty much it. Any other supposed gender differences boil down to what society will allow them to get away with. It's something that I've unfortunately only come to realize within the last few months, and my stupid monkey brain keeps sending out neuron pulses that want to argue otherwise (oh wow, a human brain taking the easy path, I'm so surprised), but I am positive that it is true. The brain's an egotistical, goddamn coward, any way you look at it, and you have to be aware of that to avoid 'falling for it', so to speak.
    is daisy ur waifu?
    While I'm not so keen on the whole idea of waifus, I do think she's cuter than Peach, Pauline, and Rosalina combined! I'm very glad she got into Smash and I'd love to make fan art of her, but for the time being I'm working on WarioWare-related projects. Also, her voice is awesome!
    • Like
    Reactions: Metal
    Hope you main her in smash then rejoice since all 3 princess' are available! Will look forward to your wario projects if you ever want to post them on here.
    Of course! ¡Gracias por preguntarme! Have a wonderful day!
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    Reactions: Metal
    I would love to have a real relationship, a real, true connection with someone. But at the same time, I don't know if I have the capacity to do so. I bring this up because I have the biggest crush on a girl in my percussion class who I've known for a year and I'm not sure what to do. Es tan complicado...
    Don't worry mate, this stuff takes time. You've got plenty of time to figure it out
    Well, trust me when I say the only way you're going to know if she'd be interested is if you ask. I've only had one girlfriend thus far. The only thing that gave me the push needed to go through with it in the end was knowing already that if I didn't, I was going to be left wondering 'what if' for who knows how long. AND a method where you count down from 10 in your mind, then for some reason it's easier (you can't count up like 1 2 3 though, cause then your brain can make excuses to extend the timer indefinitely).

    It's exceedingly difficult until you break that barrier, once you get a word in it becomes easier as you go along. The day I was taking my English exam, I finally worked up my nerve and asked, verbatim, "are you still romantically interested in me". As it turns out, she was still interested in me, the whole time we'd been acquainted, despite no longer acting like it... on the surface level, anyway. ...I was actually able to recognize some of the subtleties she was trying to clue me in for what they were in retrospect, but my brain was just too afraid to acknowledge them, and sorta barred the actual implications of them from me by tacking on an obligatory "nope she's not doing it for this reason, don't even consider it" to every bit of new supporting info, for mine/its own protection, I suppose.

    The fact that she actually was interested, and not just that, but was more or less going through the exact same experience as me (since I initially declined her original offer), is really just proof that the brain is its own worst enemy.
    There is no "perfect time", or "too soon", there is only ever "too late".
    @tahutoa Wow, man. You really have some wise stuff stored up in that cerebro of yours.
    Just got all the treasures in Wario Land: Shake It!, even though I've had this game for around 8 years. Now time for the missions! This game is the best!
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    Reactions: CM30
    Congrats! And good luck with the missions, some of those are brutal.
    Definitely, I have around 75% completed. It took me an hour to get 42,000 coins in Lowdown Depths because there's so many ways to screw up, and even longer to beat the Shake King without taking damage because of his stupid ball lightning attack.
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