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  • Glad to see the existence of WW Switch is being reported by the most serious and trustworthy sources
    No joke I would die if they made one for Switch, WarioWare is without a doubt my favorite video game series.
    Just saw your post about WarioWare characters in Mario games over on the Mario Wiki forums.

    My response is that sure, Jimmy T may not have much of a role in a new Mario Galaxy game, but I'm sure you can think of lots of places where say, Orbulon or Dribble and Spitz could fit right in. A flying taxi section would be way better than Fluzzard...
    I dunno, I really can't think of a context where shoving recognizable DKC or WW characters in a 3D Mario wouldn't feel forced
    Does Pauline feel forced in Mario Odyssey? Or Rosalina in Galaxy 2?
    Pauline no, because she had actual ties to the Mario series proper, did a great job fleshing her out while adding nods to her origin. Rosalina in Galaxy 2 made *sense*, but the nature of it wasn't much meaningful.

    Is like, the WW characters don't have any meaningful tie to the Mario games beside that they're featured in a game starring a guy that originated in Mario games but isn't very important to them any more, and they're drawn in a different art style with no real concept that they're characters the player would play as or interact with. I can't see a scenario where Ashley'd pop up in Mario Odyssey 2 in a way that's more meaningful than "Hey, recognize this character?"
    You should play seek and destroy for ps2. Can be a tank and explore and talk to other tanks.

    Just found a copy for 4$ earlier today :p
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    Reactions: Glowsquid
    Nice get. It's a game I've eyed for a long time but never quite get around it.

    (Get "Sub-Rebellion" next)
    Haha, its literally a submarine :p I like the underwater asthetic though, way pretty. Will pick uo if I find a copy at a good price.
    does anyone have footage of the "Mochitsuki Set" toy exclusive to the Japanese version of WW Twisted?
    I beat Solar Striker and I was surprised to see a "K. Takeuchi" mentioned in the credits, though it's Probably Not the same guy lol
    just found this is the latest photo of the director of the first three paper mario games and I'm laughing really hard

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    Reactions: Metal
    I want that lucina pic
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