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  • Oh hey, this place exists. I'll definitely return if there's a new Wario Land game announced, lol.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Bruh of course it exists, you created it.

    If you're gonna return only when a new Wario Land gets announced, well then I'm afraid we won't see you for a long, very long time. Unless Antonblast counts as well.
    POV: You are CM30. It is the year 2130.
    >A Wario Land title on the Nintendo Beat has been confirmed.
    You have returned to Wario forums.
    2019-05-17 (51).png >By now, the forum had run out of hydrogen and exploded, rapidly expanding into an incandescent void. Massive red clouds form the miasma SYRP-WL399. The skyline is peppered with stars elsewhere in the greater Crepe Nebula. It looks breathtaking.
    2020-06-18 (177).png >Just a Wario Fan has noticed your presence. Unfettered, he approaches, hurtling through this vortex with clothes and hair flapping about -- faster than his RPM would suggest.
    2019-05-17 (52).png "The footage they showed on Nintendo Re:House looked very promising. I feel like I can finally get my hopes up again." You could barely hear his voice over the howling wind, but for the first time in a long while, you indeed had much to talk about.
    Greedy Trickster
    Greedy Trickster
    underrated reply lol
    Have you forgotten about me? I would like you to somehow show me These images because my wii u browser does not show em to me! I wanna choose one for my avatar.
    I forgot... how often do we get to change usernames?
    God I hate humanity. Honestly, it feels like my entire life is filled with fair weather friends and associates rather than those who actually give a toss.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Not to play "misery poker", but at least you still have some friends, even if they aren't worth much. I only have two friends that I only hardly ever get to see, and if I wanna see them, I have to pay a shitload of money and ride 150 km on a slow-as-fuck train and return within a few hours.

    BTW, @Wrangler of Lake Aspargus is 100% right.
    Sorry for not joining the GR discord. It's nothing personal. I have become too intermittent online because I'm always afraid of disappointing people, of which ironically, ends up disappointing people.
    unrelated but I can't believe the Lake Sparegus Strangler changed his username
    Keeping XenForo up to date is a nightmare.
    Why do you do it?
    Because otherwise this site might get hacked.
    Ah. My main forum isn't even on XenForo 2.0, and its main issue (to me) is that since fixing a 2FA-related security issue a few years ago, you cannot list someone's threads anymore. But at least the software is stable and smilies and reactions aren't changing all the time. ;P Nah, it's probably good that you keep it up to date, to be honest. I bet the owner of the other forum would as well, were it not that the original installation was hacked (by the contemporary owner) in such a way that it would be very hard to preserve all the custom functionality.
    Well, sorry guys, I haven't really been here very much recently.

    But that's because I've been busy with other things recently, and have generally lost interest in the forums here.

    If you want to see where I am now, check the Gaming Reinvented site, the YouTube channel for said site, or its Discord server.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    No problem, man. You don't have to apology, we all have times when we aren't paying attention to a certain site or social medium for a long time. I think everyone here at Wario Forums is more than used to that. No worries, we appreciate people like you who are always busy with trying to provide everyone with something to read and/or discuss about.
    No one ever said that being active at many places at once would be easy.
    Regarding that whole "lost interest here", well that's something hardly anyone here doesn't seem to suffer from. Like I have said many times before now, the Forums are not what they used to be indeed, but can we really see this as something surprising, given that the whole 'forum' concept is not what it used to be? And is that surprising either, given the sheer amount of social media alternatives these days?
    Logo's still broken on the WarioWare skin
    Okay, I'll look into it. Sorry for not fixing it yet.
    Hmm, after having seen some footage of Fall Guys and noting its popularity, I just want to say one thing:

    If you work for the company/studio behind any Ninja Warrior/Wipeout variant or Takeshi's Castle, take full advantage of this game and its hype.

    You're not going to be able to get a live episode going for obvious reasons, so promote this game a bit instead. Get a tie in costume added to promote your series. Etc.

    You can get a lot of attention if you do that...
    Hmm, need to post here a bit more at some point. Interest in the series is a bit low recently though, especially without a new game.
    Wario Land Switch when?
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Yeah, was a bit inactive too, but I had some personal issues, so sorry for that.
    Don't apologize! We come and go as we please here! Especially as we wait for another Wario game.
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