I see her as Ashley, nothing more, nothing less. People say I see her as a goddess, but she's just a person I so happen to know and like, more so than any other character out there.
More so than anything else on this earth. I'm here to help Ashley, by telling a lot of people about her, by helping my friend Emma, who is like the biggest Ashley fan I ever known, she wants her to be more than a Warioware character, I want her to be more than a Warioware character, but right now she's just a gaming character.
I don't see characters as anything else besides what they truly are. If I saw them more than what I saw I'd be weird. I see Ashley as a person who wants to get passed through life, who wants more friends, who wants to be left alone. But wants nothing more than to be happy and successful, she is after all only in training. I'm no Ashley expert, but if I were I'd probably be a bigger fan than PinkDragon and Emma, but I'm not. I don't see her like those two do, if I did I'd probably lose track of everything else and only think Ashley matters, but you know who else matters? Saitama.