Oh, Him. I remember them, they were huge in my high school growing up ten years ago : p They did a good version of a song, I think its called wicked game or someething. Anywho its a popular song and they did it well : p They had a few songs I really liked.
And mine is bass guitarist/pianist/singer Armistead Burwell (Zach) Smith IV-
Hes mostly known for his work being one half of Pinback-
And one third of Three Mile Pilot-
And he also has his own solo project called Systems Officer where he does everything : p
Im a huge fan, hes my biggest inspiration and my all time favorite musician : p
What would be your perfect day?
Haha, theres soooo many things I could say to that question tbh : p
But uhhhhh, Ill say uhhh........ I once helped a group of bad kids mess with a sign on a church once when I was a young teenager. I cant remember what we arranged the letters to say, but it was definitely something I shouldnt have been a part of : p
Favorite band or musician?
oh boy, the day i find the love of my life and find out they have feelings for me. that'd be epic... am i getting mushy!?
speaking of love, what would your perfect crush be?
actually, id like enhanced human abilities. like being able to both move and think faster tham normally possible as well as have a much higher vitality and strength (and memory!!!) than average.A metroidvania with great platforming controls similar to Wario Land 4 with plenty of enemies, bosses, abilities that are achieved throughout the game to access new places and bonus areas. Coins that give a good incentive to collect them, kinda challenging but not too hard, good story, charming in some way, memorable.
What superpower would you like?