Do you have any pet peeves?

Those shitty cartoons, movies, etc. Where some dude gets his balls assaulted and that's supposed to pass as comedy. I like slapstic when done right but i feel as though that is a no go IMO, for me personally that's the equivalent of a woman seeing a pregnant woman getting slugged in the tum. I think its distasteful, it really does leave a sour taste in my mouth.
A bit annoyed at this hivemind internet idea that if a famous person likes video games or anime or that sort of stuff that somehow makes them a lot cooler.

I get that kind of trash whenever I'm assaulted with a "celebrity update" on TV. Why should I care if Mila Kunis enjoys playing World of Warcraft? If I ever meet her, I will be asking what it was like to work with Hulk Hogan and Don Stark, not how many hours she's sacrificed to World of Warcraft.
When someone on internet with a lot of influence on the community picks up apart a otherwise beloved Game/Movie/TV Show/Whatever and suddenly seemingly everyone despises it now.

I used to be on a Zelda forum, and I remember having that feeling with the site and OoT : p

It felt like there was a divide between people who loved OoT and people who called it "overrated". I remember feeling really irritated by the members who hated on the game : p
When non-political mediums who aren't news, like gaming channels, go politically. Sometimes even going as far as telling their viewers what to vote.
I have seen this with the presidental elections in the U.S. and with the elections in my own country too.

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRobotnik for Prrrrrrresident!

Disrespectful people -- namely, asshats who think it's hilarious to beat other people down and make a monkey out of a poor teacher or employee somewhere for the sake of a joke.

Also, closed-minded folks who refuse to listen to the other side of an argument or point of view, or take the time to demean people based on a conflicting opinion.

The smell of cat piss sends me into an instant bad mood. And autotuned modern music. :mad:
Those videos people share on Facebook that explain something by having floaty zoomy text over footage really annoy me for some reason.
When games get physical releases in one country, but in others, it only gets a digital release, if it even gets a release there at all.

It's even more baffling when the physical release isn't out in the country it was made in to begin with. Games like inFamous: First Light have physical releases in countries outside the US, but not within, despite the game being made in America to start with, while Gravity Rush Remastered was handled by an American studio. I know the original game was made in Japan, yes, but the PS4 port was developed by Bluepoint Games, who is, you guessed it, an American developer.

EDIT: Yes, Gravity Rush Remastered did see American physical releases, but they're rare enough, they may very well not exist.
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When you lost something in real life but go to sleep and it feels real and you find whatever it is you are looking for only to wake up in excitement and be dissapointed at the realization that it was a dream.