Foreman Spike

Can you find the hidden Foreman?
So I was going over old SMB Movie scripts and in an earlier draft of the film, instead of rival Scapelli there's a crooked but good natured construction foreman Eddie, who is sort of Mario's buddy but can also order him around. This guy is clearly an early Spike-analog character that would eventually turn into the simply antagonistic Scapelli instead of the lovable goon Eddie.

What I find more interesting though, is that Eddie is Daniella's (ie: Pauline's) older brother. Maybe that explains why the Foreman has a hate-on for Mario, he's dating his kid sister! :P
I've never played the original Wrecking Crew. Maybe I should. Is it true that this game is even older than SMB1?

SMB1 came out in September of 1985.

The original arcade VS. Wrecking Crew where players could go head to head as Mario & Luigi on opposing screens on opposite sides of the arcade cabinet was distributed to locations starting in June of 1984.

The home console release of Wrecking Crew for the Nintendo Entertainment System, featuring the debut of Foreman Spike replacing the Luigi half of the arcade setup was a year later in June of 1985. So, still beating out the original Super Mario Brothers by a few months :)