So, with all the hype going about the NX and what it could do, what sort of games would you like to see make a come back on Nintendo's next gen console? I have a few games I'd like to see and I'm sure you guys too.
We don't really have an idea of how the graphics will look like, but if I had to guess it will look pretty darn awesome. I'm not in it for the graphics, but it's always great to have amazing looking graphics in a game.
So, here is a list of games I'd like as launch titles or games that will come later in it's life.
Super Mario Galaxy 3
Pretty much anyone would love this title as a launch and probably will sale the system.
Warioware (Not another Game and Wario.)
Well, I guess everyone would agree this would make a fun title for the NX, I for one would love it to be on the system, either at launch or later in it's life...I'd also like to see Ashley again as well...
Luigi's mansion 3
Now this...I want this. I'd buy an NX on launch if this were a launch title. I want it to be closer to it's gamecube counterpart, I like Dark moon but that game wasn't the Luigi's mansion I wanted.
So, those are games I'd like to see on the NX. Anything else you guys would like to share? what games you'd like to see at launch or even later in it's life?
I'd also love to see Mario Party 11 or something else...MARIO PARTY 2 REMASTERED! omg, I'd spend my money on that in a heart beat, I'd love that. Every map re-done in HD, some new characters and a bonus map or two. Same mini-games and maybe a few new ones to mix it up a bit.
I want a Mario Party game on the NX.
All of a sudden, in a Nintendo direct "AshleyWare Inc" is announced.
I'd also love a remake of Mario 64 on the NX.
The world needs Mario games, along side a Luigi title. Mario is missing 2! (loljk, Luigi's mansion 3 all the way!)
Yeah, it's hard to say anything about the NX since we know next to nothing about it. All we know are rumors or unconfirmed details.
So all I can say are the usual wishes.
-A new Wario Land/World
-Pikmin 4
-a new Donkey Kong Country made by retro studios that expands on Tropical Freeze's gameplay
-a new 2D Metroid (2D gameplay and 2D graphics)
-a 3D Mario game that plays like 64 and Sunshine with non-linear level design
-a Paper Mario in the style of 1 and 2
-a Mario & Luigi game that is as creative as the first one
-a Wario RPG set in the Wario Land universe with Captain Syrup as the villain
-Paper Luigi and his adventure in the Waffle Kingdom
-Mario Kart: Double Dash 2
-Punch-Out! 2 made by retro studios
-Paper Mario 2 HD
-a sequel to - or a remake of Super Mario RPG
-a new, real and full Katamari game with lots of Nintendo cameos
I seriously don't know how they could hit all the characteristic marks of what made the first Paper Mario so good with the first two sequels (Well, the battle system and character designs are way different in Super Paper Mario, but the writing and puzzles are pretty much the same style), and then make Sticker Star. Twice.
Aaaand I realize now that you said Mario & Luigi. That'd be cool too. Whatever, I'm keeping my mini-rant.