I added them to the previous post, none of my followers are very active on weekends, so shouldn't make a difference.
Oh, OK.
Hey, I noticed that you didn't really get the context of some of the things I sent you, so here's the context (at least from what I can make out of them):
http://route87.chu.jp/gallery/log/pylog06.htm - Cute little Arle x Schezo Valentine's story
http://route87.chu.jp/gallery/comic/arca_01.htm - Judging from the context of the story, this seems to basically be the "prologue" of Puyo Puyo Fever 2 in manga form.
http://route87.chu.jp/gallery/comic/tel.htm - All right, now THIS one is a bit harder to decipher, but I'm going with the idea that Raffine calls Klug over the telephone to help her with her homework, though it seems she certainly makes a point out of explaining that he was NOT her first choice, but Amitie, Sig, Rider, and even Tarutaru weren't going to be of any REAL help to her.
BTW, there's one more that you may have missed on my last post, so here it is: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=40627766
Yeah and to be honest one of these days I want to try and beat it, I have sampled it before, but the strategy game angle makes it quite difficult for someone who doesn't speak a lick of Japanese. Still, I was able to venture through the Madou Monogatari series just fine, so I'm sure I can power my way through this as well.
I just always had an odd fascination with Gaiden Wars, I think it's because it is so different and separate from the rest of the franchise that I find it so interesting, plus, as this entire page so far will attest to, I think that there is a lot of potential in linking it and the regular games together, for at least one game.
I know what you mean. Something about Gaiden Wars just feels like it truly fits with the main continuity (or at least, what you can salvage of it, ESPECIALLY these days) of Puyo Puyo, and like I've said, I'd be...pretty exicted if Daichi really WAS something along the lines of Arle's descendant. Again, even if was just for one game, I would absolutely LOVE it if Gaiden Wars' world served as the main setting to the "long-awaited" 'Puyo Puyo 8'. It would be so hype, IMO.
Also, if that idea ever happens I hope they make a longer remix of this as Daichi's theme:
It may be because it plays before the opening match between Watty and Daichi, but I always kinda associated it with the latter, ever since first sampling the game. Plus I just think it's a cool theme in general, despite how short it is and Gaiden Wars remixes would be a no brainer for the kind of game we where discussing.
Wow, I'd love for this to be Daichi's theme! It really fits the heroic theme Gaiden Wars goes in-game.
Considering how they never even bothered to bring it past soft release status that really wouldn't be shocking.
Exactly. Sadly, the same MIGHT apply to Sonic Runners' Puyo Puyo crossover event AND SEGA's 3D Collection of classic SEGA video games.. Heck, that might even be how SEGA managed to get away with referring to him as "Satan" rather than the usual "Dark Prince" localization. PPT is being promoted at the forefront this time around, so it's likely they couldn't get away with "Satan" with the general public in the West knowing about him.
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