
It's animation software, forgot the name. It's been ages since I used it, it was on my old computer witch broke awhile back.
I can pretty much tell it was MMD since it's filled with so much anime stuff and most models look the same with their shiny skin and same facial structure. I'm not into MMD, it's mostly a "let's make one character dance with Vocaloid music" and a few good animation that isn't a Japanese song.
Yeah it's made for making characters dance and stuff. But like it can be used to make something more that isn't the usual place character in a map and give them dance animation. This here shows what people can do with MMD.

Speaking of movies, apparently Hey Arnolds the jungle movie is definitely coming out next summer. Arnold will finally meet his parents and he and Helga end up together apparently, cant wait : 3

I wish I could make movies, Id like to make a documentary on Armistead Burwell Smith IV. Wish someone else would make that.
We dont have a dad, so fathers day always felt weird to me : p

Im not trying to get sympathy or whatever, because it feels completely normal to me : p Its hearing about others celebrating the day that feels weird to me.