You misesd out, Kyon : p It was way exciting : p Everyone was talking about it, it was actually the first time I had heard about bits. my neighbor was talking about how it would actually have 64 bits, I had no idea what he was talking about : p
I was an N64 kid so it really hurts to see so many people hating on it.
Its almost always because of like one game they liked, too, it seems. Ive seen it with a few people and ALttP actually, like they hate on OoT because they like ALttP.
Im okay with not really liking one game, and even a bit understandable about being biased because the game shadows a game you like (its not like Ive never done that : p ) But all the hate on the N64, I kinda think its dumb : p An entire console with no real reason other than its fans remember it fondly : p
One cool thing about the N64 though, youll sometimes hear about a game here or there that was on the playstation, but with the N64, like there are so many games that people still go crazy about today. The games for that console seem to still hold that kinda affection they did when they were new, its not as common with other consoles, I think. Its really neat.