Rhythm Heaven!

Cute white men singing and making silly faces are way more memorable than a robot and a widget. Either way it was just a guess.

I really hope Megamix will change the names of the minigame sequels like how Working Dough 2 became Working Dough Origins in the Japanese version. Also hope they will bring back the option for both Japanese and English music in at least the European version to keep consistent with Rhythm Paradise Wii.
Remember getting Rhythm Heaven for the DS a few years back. I'm really bad at it but it really makes you want to perfect each song. When I got the game I was in a community where people became obsessed with this game that made me want to try it even more. Talking about Fan Club Popstar and how different each of her songs sounds in various languages.

This one is among one of my favs hope a similar style game is included in future games.
@warelander how has your journey through Rhythm Heaven been going?
I enjoyed what I played so far, althought my initial experiences weren't very encouraging, because Glee Club gave me hell for quite a while, even now I'm not sure how I managed to pass it. Outside of that I do really enjoy the whole idea of getting better at the games by noting little cues in the music/animations that aren't always immediatly noticable and then just working on the timing and going with the rhythm, that really is fun (even thought I'm still not that good at it), althought to be honest, the game kinda fell to the wayside for me, when I focused more on marathoning another series, however I do plan to get back to it before Megamix comes out in Europe and am very excited for that one (except the return of Glee Club, I hope I'll do better at it with button controls).
Rhythm Heaven Megamix is out right now on the eshop. $30

I planned to do a proper OP for the game when it was released but this kinda blinsided me lmao
So digital only? Apparently not worthy of being physical overseas?

Nah, that was still cool and unexpected. I might grab it when I can.
I wouldn't worry about it not coming to Europe, it has been announced on a direct, complete with the Rhythm Paradise name and logo showing up in promotional materials and even the eShop and the official European Nintendo website have that same announcement featured on them.

If Nintendo was willing to take those steps to begin with, then I'm sure they wouldn't buckle down now, if they didn't for murica, the localization might take a bit longer for us, but I'm optimistic it's coming.