And I dont think they qualify as "math rock" : p I hate all these genre names, anyway. They are an indie alternative rock band, thats enough : p

And Prontron Jon? Does that have anything to do with Jontron?
Jontron also used to be one of the two in the Game Grumps duo before he left and Danny replaced him.
I like a couple of their episodes, but not many. It's mostly their older work and their THE DOG Island series that has me occasionally check them out.
There are some people Id really like to meet, too.

I got an email from Zack Smith, that was pretty awesome. Will probly be the only interaction I have with him ever : p
I dont care for LPs (probly a reason I dont like Game grumps) but I do enoy creative reviews, I go through periods where I watch random reviewers on youtube every now and then : p
I dont care for LPs (probly a reason I dont like Game grumps) but I do enoy creative reviews, I go through periods where I watch random reviewers on youtube every now and then : p
A lot of LPers are too "screamy" for my tastes. I don't like Jontron that much being solo for primarily that reason.

The only streamers (not sure if you'd call them LPers) I keep tabs on are Vinny and Joel from Vinesauce.
Pewdiepie forces his humor too much for my tastes (and the screaming is annoying), but I have to admit that video wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. He's gotten a bit better over the years.