I wouldn't call myself tech savvy, but I multitask heavily on my phone. I needed a phone that could keep up with my regular activities too, since I recently sold my computer.
I pretty much only use my phone for using the internet and very small number of apps that usually have desktop counterparts.
I had a lot of issues with my computer and I've become disillusioned with iMacs. The only thing I miss doing is drawing on the computer. Everything else I can pretty much do on my phone.
These are my headphones, and I really, really love them.

They're Sennheiser, and I think they cost about €17,-. I'm not sure if you can still buy them anywhere, but I've got two pairs, and I think they'll last me for a while. Backup pads are easily available.
I once had a pair of Samsung ear buds that I really liked. I actually dont really like ear buds, but these were really good ones. They didnt last me long, like all ear buds, sadly : p But the were really good.

I also wear a watch : p But I like watches, I think theyre cool. I dont mind that people think its weird to wear watches these days : p
I always wear a watch too, I have this really cool one:

I can't really use it, though, as only a month after I got it, it started occasionally stopping. After 3 more months, it stopped very often, but I could still use it if I adjusted the time a lot. Now, it's unusable, as even though it's going now, if I adjust the time, I won't be able to get it going again. It'll only start working again if I leave it be for a few hours. But then it has the wrong time again, so it doesn't have much use d:p
But I can't really go without a watch, so I use this one, now. It's nice too, but it feels and looks much less good than the above one, of course.
(also, the Mushroom one is metal, while this one is from some other material, which doesn't feel as good to me)
Its too bad the mushroom one doesnt work, its way cool.

This is my watch-



Thats not my hand btw : p These are just images I found of it online.

I like it though, its way cool and bright.