You want be to say fuck in front of a 14 year old girl? What are you? crazy?!

She's a mature person, yes. Doesn't mean we should SWEAR in front of her, or any other kid for that matter. jesus, ckd. If a child is mature it's okay to swear in front of them is what you're saying.
I'm not saying it's okay to swear in front of children, but she's 14 and most likely in high school so I wouldn't call her a child. You're bound to be exposed to profanity when on the internet and I've seen many teenagers who cuss or who don't mind cussing.
Go ahead, King Hehehe. Go against me, please. It's not like you were one of the few people I still liked on here.

alright, if you feel if swearing is okay to do with a girl that young than I'll let you think that, but to me it feels wrong. Honestly, it does. That's why I said "Flying darn" and nothing like "Flying fuck" or even "Flying shit", I'll use swear words but not when I'm talking to her or anyone her age.
Go ahead, King Hehehe. Go against me, please. It's not like you were one of the few people I still liked on here.
Because their points are very valid. She's old enough to have been exposed to profanity plenty already, and apparently has internet access with which she inevitably is exposed to profanity plenty. Trying to avoid swearing for her benefit is rather futile. This isn't anything against you, this is just me agreeing with what I feel makes sense.