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this guy also charges you 500 rupees for a pair of flippers.
Yeah, plus they were all elegent looking and junk, which was a nice change from the goron look : p I like the Zoras a bunch, my favorite LoZ character is a Zora, actually.
LoZ has some pretty cool races, I like that stuff in video games. Fictional races I mean. And I like them more when theyre unique over like dwarves and elves and junk.
And yeah, I liked it too, the remix. It felt so tragic and junk. I even learned it on piano back in high school, along with the song of healing from MM. LoZ has awesome music. Also I just realized the minuet song is the forest temple song,cant remember what that one is called : p
(Youre new avatr is great btw : p No idea what it is but I like it alot)
Your choice in characters in the Zelda universe is fantastic, still is great that one of your favorites be a Zora aka Princess Ruto. She's pretty funny especially with the hijinks involving Link in Oot are concerned. Song of healing and other songs you've learned before, hah I honestly would love to hear you play some of these, Zelda has some fantastic music and it's amazing you learned a few songs. Yeah minuet song that Shiek plays for you is the actual Forest Temple song, pretty sweet.
(and also my icon is Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa 2, really like the game it plays similar to Phoenix Wright in that you solve cases and such. Involving murders and solving clues etc.)
Haha, well its an easy franchise to pick good characters from : p I like the characters in LoZ, like even in TP. While not my favorite LoZ game, it had some really awesome characters, too. I really liked Midna (obviously) and Agitha, the girl who collects bugs. Haha that kinda makes me think of you, actually. Will think of you as Agitha from now on : p
And haha yeah, I loved the the thing between Ruto and Link, actually : p
(also, I found this here, which I thought was great : p And I also found some terrible images that made me feel unhappy)
But yeah, I like how she reacted to him saving her as a child, and how she remembered it when they grew up. I thought she was great : p
And haha well I just learned the basic melody, I never like go really far to cover music. I usually just stumble across something I know and like while playing and figure it out a bit from there just for fun, I never actually really try to learn how to play other peoples music : p But I was proud that I learned them at the time yeah. I havent touched a piano in years though.
And yeah, Shiek was way cool. I really liked him. I am a big fan of the music in OoT. I think it has some of the best music of the series.