Not seeing it, she looks nothing like she would be from Fairly Odd Parents, the art style of that show is too different, but I guess I see what you are talking about, but for me I see no difference in her design, just smoother looking animation.
You can see it just by looking at her hair : p The drawing is more detailed and even the lighting on the animation is different. Looks more computer-y and junk.
Maybe it's the new outfit? When you're so used to a character looking a certain way just a really small change can feel a lot bigger.
Ashley having eyebrows bothers Hex a lot, maybe it's like that - lol. Having one or two new things about a character could be a real big change for some people if they are like, big fans of the characters.
Maybe because in the older style of the show Helga seems to be drawn with a much more manic expression, though the new outfit seems alright.
tfw ya missed 4 pages worth of posts T.T
since metal got shipped witb kyon :p who am i gonna ship with? :p

btw i dont think helga changed too much, just slightly different clothes and the art style is more shine and shadows mixed in.
You mean Hey Arnold? Im kinda worried about like the characters changing, actually : p Im worried theyre gonna try to relate to kids of today by having hyper, "random" nonsense and annoying characters. Am hoping they dont ruin the show by trying to change with the times. No one wants to see a "new" version of Hey Arnold, just brought back what worked and give us some new story and junk : p
Yeah, that was a problem with the 2008 PPG special. It looked perfect but the tone of it was not right and it had a very frantic pace.
Yeah, apparently they think kids are getting dumber if they have to hype their shows up like that. But at the very least PPG was an action cartoon. Hey Arnold was more like..... teenage drama slice of life kinda junk I guess. So its probly less likely theyll do that : p
Banned from Smash again! I didn't even mod anything this time, just my skill alone got people salty. Nobody really beats me anyways, so they gotta deal with it! I looked up For Glory hell and people get banned for being good at the game, reported by bad players.

Flaws with the reporting system! if people report you enough times you get sent to ban land, that's all it takes, being reported a lot! they don't like, watch replays to see if they were cheating or not. Bad Trash bros, bad!
So i hear the hey arnold movie is gonna be the unreased jungle movie, something about arnold actually meeting his parents. I'll admit that sounds cool but i won't be content until they bring back Rocko's Modern Life.
There better be at least one instance where Helga punches Brainy in the face : p

And I read that theyre brignging in all the actors, including Francesca Smith for Helga : p

Btw I noticed that my favorite musician's last name is Smith and my favorite voice actor's name is Smith and the girl who played my favorite Simpsons character's last name is Smith >.>
