Fan Content Super Wario Land [Fan-game]

Jet Wario feels kind of OP, if he can change direction at any time, and have unlimoted flying time.
In the origional WL1, Jet Wario couldn't seitch direction (if i remember correctly), and, after a little flying, would start dessending, while keeping his forward momentum. That's what made the powerup not so op, as it limited the distance Wario can go.
Here, it seems like Jet Wario can fly forever if he doesn't hit a wall. Feels like to much power.

For Biker Wario and Cloud Wario, i have a feeling that the bike/cloud might be to big, but I guess it really depends on how well it controls, and how well it will fit in the levels they are intended to be used in
Here are a few more mechanics the levels could use:

  • Wario-only blocks. These blocks act like blank/transparent/passable for Wario, but are solid blocks for every other sprite (exsept projectiles that can naturally go throught walls, like Brr Bear snow breath in Wario Land 3). These blocks can be used both as floor and as walls. If they are used as a floor, then enemies will be able to stand on it, while Wario will fall throught them, leading to "bounce on the enemy" to get across puzzles. If they are used as a wall, then they can devide a room into "sections", and no enemy will be allowed to leave it's home section
  • No-Wario blocks. These blocks are the oposate of Wario-only blocks: Wario can not go throught them, they act as solid blocks for him, while all other enemies can move throught them. They can be used, for example, to create an obstacle course that Wario needs to navigate while a bat chases him, or a blocking a passage that enemies come out of, or making a ceeling for Wario while having enemies drop onto it from above, so Wario needs to do some dodging
  • One way blocks. Come in four variations: Up, Down, Left, Right. These blocks only allow Wario to pass them in the direction of the arrow shown on them. They are meant to be used as blockades, walls the fully block a passage, and once Wario's sprite is somewhat inside the block, he is not allowed to move in the opposate direction and must go in the arrow direction
Good stuff! The game is looking great so far, although a few key differences from the main series make it look a tad cumbersome to me currently. From the footage, I'm noticing that a lot of the animations seem a bit sluggish. Normally, his ground pound comes out instantly, whereas here he takes the time to spin in place first, like in Super Mario 64 or Yoshi's Island (albeit with a somewhat longer animation). He also seems to have a very long landing animation, which sort of varies from game to game in the Wario Land series, but it seems a little inconvenient as-is to me personally. The same thing goes for throwing objects, which normally comes out faster than this (although there's usually two strengths; a short toss and a charged, straight throw, and this follows the straight path of the charged throw), and throwing objects looks like it's not that great for attacking currently. Additionally, while Wario doesn't normally kill enemies from a mere stomp, this does usually stun enemies, turning them into an object to throw, rather than harmlessly bouncing off their heads (I can definitely see this happening for the giant enemies, though). I don't mean to sound overly-critical, of course. It looks fantastic, but these things would really help the game feel like an authentic Wario Land game.
Good stuff! The game is looking great so far, although a few key differences from the main series make it look a tad cumbersome to me currently. From the footage, I'm noticing that a lot of the animations seem a bit sluggish. Normally, his ground pound comes out instantly, whereas here he takes the time to spin in place first, like in Super Mario 64 or Yoshi's Island (albeit with a somewhat longer animation). He also seems to have a very long landing animation, which sort of varies from game to game in the Wario Land series, but it seems a little inconvenient as-is to me personally. The same thing goes for throwing objects, which normally comes out faster than this (although there's usually two strengths; a short toss and a charged, straight throw, and this follows the straight path of the charged throw), and throwing objects looks like it's not that great for attacking currently. Additionally, while Wario doesn't normally kill enemies from a mere stomp, this does usually stun enemies, turning them into an object to throw, rather than harmlessly bouncing off their heads (I can definitely see this happening for the giant enemies, though). I don't mean to sound overly-critical, of course. It looks fantastic, but these things would really help the game feel like an authentic Wario Land game.
Thanks for the feedback! I agree with the jumping on enemies, but unfortunately, I'm having some big problems with the item mechanic. If more than 1 rock exist at the map at once, both will be picked up at once, since the game can't understand that only 1 can be picked up. Therefore, I probably can only have 1 rock in each level... so if I made this pick-up mechanic for enemies - well, you can understand yourself how that'd go. So this was the best solution I could come up with. Same goes for weak- and strong throw, too. Ground Pound might be a bit slow, yeah. The backflip he does is both a reference to Mario 64, and his Down Throw from Smash Bros (where he does a backflip first too). I could perhaps shorten his landing animation, tho
Hm. That certainly does sound like a major obstacle. I had figured that you were having problems, since throwing around enemies is such a major thing in the series that you surely wouldn't simply neglect it. I would still highly recommend looking further into the source of this issue and how to circumvent it, since it's such a staple of the series, but if you simply can't fix it, I guess I'll take what I can get. It does seem to largely negate the utility that regularly jumping on an enemy would usually have, but that's not a huge deal. Aside from that, I really do think that the most major problems are the slowness of some of his animations, which I'd imagine is much easier to address. Keep up the good work!
So, you're having technical problems with the engine?
Hmm... Well, I would sujjest you look into it and try to make the lifting work better, because picking up enemies is also a big part of Wario's personality, and we really do want to do it. But if not, we're still happy to have the Ground Pound and Charge.
Keep it up guys, we'll be suporting you throught the entire jeourney!
Trying to find a way, but the thing is, to make this work, I have to somehow program it so that only 1 enemy is picked up, and I have no idea how, since something like that will affect all enemies. Trying, but I can't guarantee anything.
Well, what language is the game written in? What engine are you using?

Because it seems like it wouldn't be a hugely complex problem to overcome. Maybe you could ask on Mario Fan Games Galaxy? Or see if someone at Fusion Gameworks might be interested in looking at the code? The latter figured out how to get a fairly accurate Wario in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, and are working on adding him to Super Mario Fusion Revival...
I didn't get alerts for this anymore for a while, back here now! Some great updates!
Regarding to the pick-up problem: you could ask help with that here or on another forum. What are you writing this in?
Oh, also, Jet Wario was much more powerful in the original game than it is here, as in the original he could fly indefinitely, even infinite times with only one jump. The only thing that it couldn't do is ascend, and this one can't ascend either.
He can fly forever here, too.

I'm using Clickteam Fusion 2, making the engine myself. The thing is that the enemies are "copies" of each other. If I made all of them individual objects, I'd have to code EVERY SINGLE enemy I make. And as long as they're copies, the actions will apply to all of them if no very specific condition is made. And picking them up is very complex, so it affects all of them. But I'll try to ask on some forums.
He can fly forever here, too.

I'm using Clickteam Fusion 2, making the engine myself. The thing is that the enemies are "copies" of each other. If I made all of them individual objects, I'd have to code EVERY SINGLE enemy I make. And as long as they're copies, the actions will apply to all of them if no very specific condition is made. And picking them up is very complex, so it affects all of them. But I'll try to ask on some forums.
Wait, huh? They don't need to be individual objects, they can simply be separate instances. It worked with the killing too, right?
I just researched Clickteam Fusion 2, and... well... is it only drag & drop? That's interesting...
Oh well, apparently it's working decently so far d:P (I hope this doesn't come across offensive, I'm mainly surprised, not against the idea)
It does work like that with klling yeah, but there's only 1 event happening then - the enemy getting destroyed. With picking up, there have to be several events, from being picked up, to being located in Wario's hand, to being thrown.

Also, while it's true that it's "drag-and-drop", it's definitely not that easy. It's a software where you code and make stuff all yourself. You can draw objects yourself and place them wherever you want in the frame. That's kind of why it's described as "drag-and-drop", but a game is definitely not made by simply doing that. Only with this Wario game so far, I've struggled a lot with coding, designing, camera work, etc etc etc :)
So, enemies are copies of each other, and that makes the code apply of all of them?
But, isn't there a way to make it so enemies are individual, but have the same coding. Isn't there a way to copy the code into the enemies without making them duplicates that all gey the pickup applied to them?
It does work like that with klling yeah, but there's only 1 event happening then - the enemy getting destroyed. With picking up, there have to be several events, from being picked up, to being located in Wario's hand, to being thrown.

Also, while it's true that it's "drag-and-drop", it's definitely not that easy. It's a software where you code and make stuff all yourself. You can draw objects yourself and place them wherever you want in the frame. That's kind of why it's described as "drag-and-drop", but a game is definitely not made by simply doing that. Only with this Wario game so far, I've struggled a lot with coding, designing, camera work, etc etc etc :)
You could put all those events in a script and execute the script as the single event. Or is that not possible with that software either?
I know you can do quite some stuff with drag & drop, I used it too for a while, but to me, code is much easier, quicker and clearer.
(not trying to bash on you, this is a great project)
I'll try, but can't guarantee anything. You see, when you have multiple of the same object, there are some things that can make them individual. This is when one of them is directly connected in the event, if you understand. For example, one event is when Wario touches a coin, and the coin will disappear, a sound effect will play, and 1 will be added to the score. Same for defeating enemies: when a detector below Wario hits them at a certain height, they will disappear and start a loop which produces coins. All of these are single events. However, with picking up, it has to be more than 1 event, both when it comes to picking him up, staying in his hand, and being thrown. Not only this, but I'd also have to reprogram a lot to make Wario not being hurt while he is in his hand, which mean I'd then need to add a new Value to enemies that will prevent him from being hurt, etc etc etc.

I've asked one on the forums that has helped me alot, and he didn't know the answer to this. I'll try a bit more, but I'm afraid that IF I find a way to make this work, I'd have to repgram a LOT. So I'm not sure that I'll put a lot of effort into this, I'm sorry. But as I said, I'll try a bit more.