Funny thing about humans adapting to things to the point where they don't even register anymore: like, I sometimes just forget that a window fell and crushed the distal phalanges on my left hand's pointer and middle fingers. I still have them-- they ended up getting stitches, but the thing is, I was ~2 years old, and as a result of this, the markings left behind after that ordeal-- like, professional stitches are small as fuck, right, but thing is, my hands were also really small. So, in other words, I have two massive scars on my pointer and middle finger on my left hand, which I have dubbed "Tic-Tac-Toe" and "The U", respectively. The U doesn't really make that shape, it's more like a J or a hook, but that vertical line on the right side climbs up along that sort of seam you have running up to your fingernail that shows you where the bone part starts, and of course, it's on both sides. So it's a pseudo U. Tic-Tac-Toe is kind of like the inverse of an actual tic-tac-toe board, though, because there are 3 grid lines but 4 incomplete 'boxes'.
What's annoying is, TTT is partially faded because it's been so long (I think), so it's not quite as obvious what the design is anymore. ((Or maybe I just never looked at it this hard so my brain is confused about being wrong.)) I want to have a professional sketch artist draw the scars on my fingers, because honestly they look pretty cool. ...I should make Tic-Tac-Toe my own little calling card. This is why.
Not 100% accurate, but it's about as close as I can muster at this moment in time. At the end of the day the 100% version would make for a badass logo, 'cause the damn thing looks like a lop-sided Sunsoft thing crossed with a picket fence and a Xevious ship