Tunes That Chill Your Bones

@The 3rd Wario Brother
Terrifying : p

@Angler of Lake Asparagus
I really liked that theme, which is no surprise seeing that I seem to like every song from that game : p Is Equinox your favorite game btw?
I liked how it was both kinda scary but kinda sad-ish at the same time. I liked the heavy breathing too : p Haha SNES heavy breathing is pretty neat : p

That song was really pretty : p I liked it, didnt make me feel scared though, haha.

Heres a song from the best scary game ever made
I was for real uncomfortable listening to it when I first played it : p I was in the dark basement, alone. Was not comfortable haha. Its a theme for rooms where the bad guys of the games do... really bad things (the story of the game is a group of serial killers are working with some demon-figure in the underworld to bring chaos into the world of the living)
Here it is-

Well, I'd probably go with this track

Don't want to talk about it too much since this a series where spoilers have a large impact. Anyway, this is a series that I got into not knowing much and so got really into it and always kept me on my toes. Whenever this music played I could feel myself on the edge as it means something serious had happened. The song itself isn't all that scary but the association really made it more and more pounding whenever it played as the game progressed.
@The Big Magma
Sounds exciting and action packed : p I totally get the theme reminding you of anxiety a game cauesd you though, while not being scary it can definitely remind you of a difficult part that you dreaded. I have themes like that too.

@Angler of Lake Asparagus I am not sure : p I mean, I have favorite games but Im not sure on how to answer your question : p Will have to get back to you on that....
It's most excellent to see you again, Miss Morgendorffer! This place was getting too damp without your dry wit. And that's a totally classic flick. Another great selection! Claymation is so effective for horror. And speaking of spooky animation, I'll quickly share something that absolutely terrified me as a kid.

When most people think "Treehouse of Horror", they think of goofy, lighthearted Simpsons parodies. But back in ye' dark ages of 1990 (when it was simply known as "The Simpsons Halloween Special") there was the first ever segment in the show's history... "Bad Dream House". And it was legitimately disturbing, especially for a cartoon in 1990, and especially for young, fragile minds (to the point where angry parents phoned and wrote in complaints).

Bleeding walls, a creepy use of colours and shadowing, the echoing voice of a man repeating the words "Get out..." And a terribly unsettling background theme that still makes my skin crawl 25 years later. I would post the theme, but can't for obvious reasons. It truly chilled me to the bone, and at that time I really thought the Simpson family had moved into this terrifying house, which vanished into nothingness, as quickly as it had appeared...


Oooooh yeah! The firs ToH episode was ACTUALLY scary! Thats why it sby far my favorite ToH episode, I love Bad Dream House and their version of The Raven, in fact I have a friend who was really big into Poe at the time, so on Halloween I had him watch that one with me, and he liked it alot.
That is one of the best Simpsons episodes, I wish they kept the scary stuff going, but apparently people were mad : (

And haha, I loved Nightmare Before Christmas as a kid : p Fun fact, I watched it the same day I watched The Mangler as a kid, a movie that I actually found to be super scary at the time : p I should watch that one again, haha.

And my brothers, sister and I used to watch Goosebumps every night, I love that intro : p Its perfect for the show.

This isnt a theme to anything at all, but it is scary bass guitar-

This album had scary artwork, too. See scary guy with knife-


I'm breaking up the forum exclusive members party and joining in!

This piece of music is very creepy, to me at least. Something about it just brings up scary stuff, maybe making my own scary story in my head.
So we're going for more haunting sounding stuff then right? Well in that case...

Again, withholding spoilers, but this is a simplistic but ambient theme that captures the uncertainty of the early game as you're trying to figure out what you've gotten yourself into.

A tense sounding theme that typically plays right as you're about to uncover something big. Very eerie sounding music.
I actually really like creepy music for some reason. unless I'm home alone and it starts randomly playing out of nowhere, of course. anyway, this song here is kind of creepy sounding I guess. am I weird for liking it? yes
