Wario in the Illumination Mario feature film (or its possible sequels)

Greedy Trickster

Long, tan, and handsome.
Illumination's upcoming 2022 Mario Bros film will be upon us in a few years. It begs the question of Wario's place within this film or films if it succeeds. Will he make an appearance? Will he be saved for a sequel? Will we end up getting Wario films? How will Wario be portrayed? Will this film even see the light of day?


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It's hard to tell right now, but it could honestly go either way.

On the one hand, I could see the 'traditional' Mario spinoff cast appearing in some form or another, if only to include all the elements people may expect from a Mario movie. In that case, Wario, Waluigi, Daisy, etc being in the movie would be fairly plausible.

Yet at the same time, there's always a chance they'll go really basic in a 'New Super Mario Bros' focused way and make it a fairly vanilla movie based on the 2D platformers, which would make Wario's chances less certain.

Something about this makes me think it may be the former though. And share more than a few resemblances to Mario + Rabbids in content and tone.
This sounds good, even though I don't really know what to think of it. We can only hope for a Wario appearance, but even if there is none, I still think I'm going to enjoy this.
Was it confirmed for 2022? I didn't know that. Seems so far away...

Honestly I don't hold hope to seeing Wario in much more than a cameo appearance in this film, since it's probably going to go more the route of the Mario RPGs and just have a more fleshed out 'Bowser kidnaps the Princess' plot, with maybe a new villain partnered with the Koopa King.

I could see Wario getting a bigger part in a sequel film though, allowing more of the expanded cast to appear and take part.

I hope though, would be for Wario and Waluigi to get little comedy shorts in between, since those two present a pretty comedic duo that would be rife for laughs. Just look at the Gamecube Sports games' intros for proof (why they stopped doing those I'll never know...)
Illumination's upcoming 2022 Mario Bros film will be upon us in a few years. It begs the question of Wario's place within this film or films if it succeeds. Will he make an appearance? Will he be saved for a sequel? Will we end up getting Wario films? How will Wario be portrayed? Will this film even see the light of day?View attachment 11685
I am hurt I am crying I am on the floor spinning my beloved garlic man is not in the movie I cannot take the news with joy.
You know, IF Wario had a cameo or got an appearance in the movie ( and that's a big if ), I bet they will just make him do a fart joke and that's it...and that makes me sad.
Huh, it's been known that a Mario film was upcoming since 2019? I guess that's why people in the comments of the Nintendo Direct were mostly talking about the cast, not the fact that a film was in development.
Foreman Spike was confirmed for the film. That did raise the question for me too, whether Wario will be in it. I think he probably will be? Not sure, I have no idea what route it will take. I do not follow the casting and acting industry, so seeing the cast didn't do much for me.
I'm still reeling about that cast. Seriously, out of all the announcements people expected for that direct, did anyone consider "Chris Pratt is Mario"? Absolutely bizarre.

I'm kind of hoping that maybe Martinet will voice Wario in the film as one of his "cameos". It feels kind of unlikely though, I agree that the movie will most likely be about establishing the central characters/story and a sequel would introduce Wario, Waluigi, ect. I also feel like Wario is a big enough character if he were in the movie he would also get a celebrity voice and probably would have been mentioned in the Direct. I like the idea of the movie beginning with a Wario and Waluigi short though, lol.

If they were to get a celebrity to voice Wario, who would you want? Most people I've seen want Danny Devito to be him (which I think would work), but given how strange the actual voice cast for the movie is there's a part of me that doubts they'd hire the obvious choice.
I'm still reeling about that cast. Seriously, out of all the announcements people expected for that direct, did anyone consider "Chris Pratt is Mario"? Absolutely bizarre.

I'm kind of hoping that maybe Martinet will voice Wario in the film as one of his "cameos". It feels kind of unlikely though, I agree that the movie will most likely be about establishing the central characters/story and a sequel would introduce Wario, Waluigi, ect. I also feel like Wario is a big enough character if he were in the movie he would also get a celebrity voice and probably would have been mentioned in the Direct. I like the idea of the movie beginning with a Wario and Waluigi short though, lol.

If they were to get a celebrity to voice Wario, who would you want? Most people I've seen want Danny Devito to be him (which I think would work), but given how strange the actual voice cast for the movie is there's a part of me that doubts they'd hire the obvious choice.
I think if there was to be any character played by Martinet, Wario has to be it. Of all the Mario chars, Wario's the one he's the most experienced with full voicing. Would be a nice homage to WarioWare Gold if that were to be true, too.