Kindly stuff your blatant favoritism.
Ware is as much the real series as Land is and I'm really tired of people acting as if Land is all there really is to wario.
It's not like Mario kart, where the original series is the most iconic in gaming. Wario land itself is essentially a Mario Kart in the same way Ware is.
Okay, "real" was a stupid word to use there. I was probably in a pretty cynical mood when I wrote that. But I do see it as the main Wario series. Wario Ware is a spin-off to that. I still stand by that. If Wario Land hadn't solidified Wario as a recurring character in Nintendo's library and hadn't developed his personality (in this case his greed) then they wouldn't have picked Wario to be the "mascot" for the series.
Wario became the face of Wario Ware because his games were fairly popular at the time and his personality fit the story. So without Wario Land we'd have... I dunno, Diddy Kong Ware or something today.
I'll fully admit that I'm biased towards Wario Land and that it's still the series I think of when I hear "Wario Game".
What I'm
NOT saying however, is that Ware is not a "real" Wario game or something. I LOVE Ware. And I love that Wario is the face of it. And of course, Ware is really popular. There's no denying that. But it's not like the 2 series were developed side by side.
All I'm really saying is that Wario Land is a very important part of Wario's legacy. And I think it's one that deserves some love.
If Shash Bros can't even be arsed to make
one Wario Land trophy over the course of three games, then I'd AT LEAST like to see some references in Ware itself.
Like how there were some subtle visual references to Wario Land 3 and 4 in Wario Ware Twisted. That didn't hurt anyone, right?
I mean there are always hundreds of microgames. If a couple of them were Wario Land-themed, that would be cool, right?
So in short, Ware is a big part of Wario, and so is Land, but Land is the foundation of Wario's character and deserves some love, especially if it's from another Wario series.
Yes, I do favor Wario Land but I also love da Warez, kay?
