Wouldn't it be AWESOME If Either a Sequel to the 3d Wario World game for the Gamecube, Or even a Remake, or EVEN Getting a Virtual Console Release Port for the Nintendo Switch ACTUALLY Happened?!?!?!?!!
I Agree with you completely.Yeah, that'd be awesome. Not sure whether I'd prefer the original to be remade or on Virtual Console, but at least one version of the original and a full blown sequel would be great to see.
I Know, Right?!?! It've been downright AMAZING If they made a Sequel!!!I wouldn't want a remake personally, (Though i can definitely see a VC release happening.) but a sequel would be amazing to see.
Wario World definitely had potential from what I saw personally, (Never played it.) and a sequel to expand that and to use that potential would be sweet to see.
Plus considering that it sold well and it has gotten good critical reception, i'm honestly shocked that Nintendo hasn't considered a sequel already.