Mine looks rather zany, but then again any doodlers worth their salt are usually supposed to have terrible handwriting. Still, I like to think it's legible.
I always capitalize when it's the beginning of a sentence or if it's the beginning of a name or other such thing that necessitates it, but for the remainder of the given word, letters i.e. that are supposed to be lower case, I always put down the version of the letter that's more efficient.
IN otheR woRds, I teNd to wRite things a Bit oddly, But it usually woRKs out aNd people caN Read it oKay. SoMetimes, though, I've Noticed that foR the letter M, if it's at the beginning of a woRd, I will OCCASIONALLY wRite it as "m" but if it's at any otheR point in the woRd it'll be written as "M."
LetteRs that I always capitalize iN my handwRitiNg aRe the letteRs R and N, but theRe aRe soMe letteRs that I'll capitalize most of the tiMe but Maybe I'll wRite them loweR-case sometiMes. Those letteRs are D aND M. WhetheR I capitalize D hinges a lot on whetheR the pRevious letteR's last stRoke leaves off up at the top oR the bottom. FoR exaMple I could wRite "could" oR "MoRdoR" aND have a "d" iNstead of a "D" but I couldN't wRite "eNDiNg" without oNe-- I dRaw my I's aND loweR-case L's iN DownwaRD stRoKes, aND a lot of my otheR letteRs eND up at the top. So, if immediately following soMething like my i's, l's, e's, y's, u's, j's, a's, coMMas (iN Most cases aNyway), etc., I will Not capitalize My k's, d's, etc.
yet, foR soMe ReasoN, I will NeveR capitalize my y's ((that Reason beiNg 'because it's a paiN iN the ass to wRite it as capital,' of couRse)). Not ever for proper teRms like 'The yeti,' SoNic youth, yo yo Ma, "yabba Dabba Doo," aND otheR such phRases/NaMes. HoweveR, if I WERE to wRite ceRtaiN capital letteRs, specifically the otheRwise NeveR-capitalized y, it caN potentially lead to Not wRitiNg a capital M, but this theoRy Needs fuRtheR testiNg befoRe I caN tRuly say which of the capitals they aRe. (((eDit: I also NeveR capitalize my e's eitheR, eveR, eveN wheN wRitiNg all-caps, uNless it's at the begiNNiNg of the woRD.)))
(By the way, despite their capital shape, they're all still the same size as the other lower-case letters, just written like capitals, and the thing is, my letters all come in varying shapes and sizes at all times, it's just that when I'm writing capital letters or doing a sort of handwritten caps-lock for emphasis I'm doing it consciously. Sometimes my supposed lower-case letters are literally the same size as the intended capital letters.)
But yeah. How about you guys, how would you describe your handwriting? This goes for you members just now joining too, so feel free to leave a post if you feel like! Pictures are welcome as well, in case you feel you can't really do it justice, or something to that effect.
Yeah, this is a rather weird and oddly personal question, but since I found the idea of my own handwriting having its own "rule set" to be rather interesting, and everyone's handwriting is supposed to be at least a little unique, I thought that perhaps my fellow WAAcolytes' were interesting to ponder as well.
I always capitalize when it's the beginning of a sentence or if it's the beginning of a name or other such thing that necessitates it, but for the remainder of the given word, letters i.e. that are supposed to be lower case, I always put down the version of the letter that's more efficient.
IN otheR woRds, I teNd to wRite things a Bit oddly, But it usually woRKs out aNd people caN Read it oKay. SoMetimes, though, I've Noticed that foR the letter M, if it's at the beginning of a woRd, I will OCCASIONALLY wRite it as "m" but if it's at any otheR point in the woRd it'll be written as "M."
LetteRs that I always capitalize iN my handwRitiNg aRe the letteRs R and N, but theRe aRe soMe letteRs that I'll capitalize most of the tiMe but Maybe I'll wRite them loweR-case sometiMes. Those letteRs are D aND M. WhetheR I capitalize D hinges a lot on whetheR the pRevious letteR's last stRoke leaves off up at the top oR the bottom. FoR exaMple I could wRite "could" oR "MoRdoR" aND have a "d" iNstead of a "D" but I couldN't wRite "eNDiNg" without oNe-- I dRaw my I's aND loweR-case L's iN DownwaRD stRoKes, aND a lot of my otheR letteRs eND up at the top. So, if immediately following soMething like my i's, l's, e's, y's, u's, j's, a's, coMMas (iN Most cases aNyway), etc., I will Not capitalize My k's, d's, etc.
yet, foR soMe ReasoN, I will NeveR capitalize my y's ((that Reason beiNg 'because it's a paiN iN the ass to wRite it as capital,' of couRse)). Not ever for proper teRms like 'The yeti,' SoNic youth, yo yo Ma, "yabba Dabba Doo," aND otheR such phRases/NaMes. HoweveR, if I WERE to wRite ceRtaiN capital letteRs, specifically the otheRwise NeveR-capitalized y, it caN potentially lead to Not wRitiNg a capital M, but this theoRy Needs fuRtheR testiNg befoRe I caN tRuly say which of the capitals they aRe. (((eDit: I also NeveR capitalize my e's eitheR, eveR, eveN wheN wRitiNg all-caps, uNless it's at the begiNNiNg of the woRD.)))
(By the way, despite their capital shape, they're all still the same size as the other lower-case letters, just written like capitals, and the thing is, my letters all come in varying shapes and sizes at all times, it's just that when I'm writing capital letters or doing a sort of handwritten caps-lock for emphasis I'm doing it consciously. Sometimes my supposed lower-case letters are literally the same size as the intended capital letters.)
But yeah. How about you guys, how would you describe your handwriting? This goes for you members just now joining too, so feel free to leave a post if you feel like! Pictures are welcome as well, in case you feel you can't really do it justice, or something to that effect.
Yeah, this is a rather weird and oddly personal question, but since I found the idea of my own handwriting having its own "rule set" to be rather interesting, and everyone's handwriting is supposed to be at least a little unique, I thought that perhaps my fellow WAAcolytes' were interesting to ponder as well.
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