Would you rather? (WYR)

Haha, yeah I was thinking both cold tea and coffee are totally normal here : p

And I guess die first in a week, I dont really wish for longevity or anything : p

If you had the chance to have your wish granted, would you rather wish to become whoever you wanted be (like a real personal and physical change), or wish for all the wealth in the world (material gain)?
If having all the wealth in the world means no school than I'll become rich, no question's asked!

Would you rather have anything you touch turn into your favorite type of pizza (Can never touch anything or anyone unless you want pizza.) or be blind for the rest of your days? (touching pizza won't turn it to a super pizza.)
I'll take the blindness, no question. Ever heard the story of King Midas? Spoilers: The story does not end happily.

The inverse of a previous question of mine: Would you rather do the right thing but have nobody know you did, or be praised as a hero for something you didn't do?
Would you rather do the right thing but have nobody know you did

(Freaking Saitama's story right here, lol.)

I know I'm gonna sound like an ass but I'd rather have people praise me for doing nothing, it must be great to have all that attention! maybe money will come out of it! >:3

(I'll let somebody else answer your question and they can make a WYR.)
I would rather do the right thing but have nobody know I did. Getting praised and knowing that I don't deserve it would make me feel guilty, but doing the right thing makes me feel good about myself, so that's all that matters.

Would you rather have the perfect face and your current body, or the perfect body and your current face?
50 hamster-sized horses. Rodents of unusual size tend to have teeth of unusual size as well, and each horse would die in one solid kick anyway. It would also generally be much harder for them to do substantial damage to a creature the size of a human.

Would you rather be unable to say yes to any question for the next three months, or unable to say no?
Hard choice, I dont have either of them, but would like both of them. But 100$? Is that what they go for now? Thats expensive : / Maybe a WiiU. It cost more yeah, but it is the newest console.

Would you rather see Nintendo make a triumphant return to the top selling video game hardware developer like they were in the 90s, or would you rather see Sega return to the hardware development scene?
I'd love for Nintendo to become top again, maybe they'll release even more stuff that way, something good would have to come out of that! Ashley and Red RPG!

Would you rather be stuck on a hell-ish island for 5 months then return and become a hero to save your city or be struck by lightning and go into a coma for 7 months and become the fastest man/women alive?
Uhhh, depends on what makes me a hero. So I guess fastest person (though I really dont want to be the fastest person ever : p )

Would you rather be the best at an instrument thats underrated and unappreciated or mediocre on an instrument thats highly glorified?
Best at an instrument that's underrated and unappreciated. Being talented at something is cool.

Would you rather receive the death penalty or spend the rest of your life in prison?
I'm not ready to see what's after death. I'd much rather spend time in prison for the rest of my days, anything to delay my death.

Now for a more positive one. Would you rather meet your 2nd favorite character, shake his/her hand and talk for 20 minutes, or do the same thing but favorite actor.
I'd probably rather meet my 2nd favorite character. I don't really have a favorite actor.

Would you rather be trapped in a really good cartoon/anime show, or trapped in a really good video game.
I'd be trapped in a really good video game, hopefully Warioware. :3

Would you rather Save a princess from a fire breathing lizard or save your brother/sister (or anyone in your family that's important to you) from a ghost that put them in a painting?
I'd save my sibling, because that fire-breathing lizard deserves to win one of these days. He just wants some love, man! Also, ghosts are paranormal, which means they defy science, and I cannot have such a slight towards science go unchallenged.

Would you rather have the means to attend to all of your own needs but be unable to share this benefit with anyone, or be able to provide this to a person of your choosing?
i would rather provide for it for a person of my choosing because since said person is close i will get something in return so we both get something.

Would you rather have everyone constantly think you smell of dung but not smell it or smell of dung but nobody else smells it from you?
id rather i smell like poop. maybe ill get used to it? no, i probably wont.

you can choose between dating your dream person, but getting punched by them every 10 minutes; or dating a robot that glitches and says funny things, but otherwise seems exactly like a typical human.
I choose dream person, and my dream person shall have weak, tender punches, so it's a win-win. Can't trust robots.

Would you rather speak every thought or never speak again?