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  • Do you know of any extensions that would help with the Approval queue? The built-in one is so primitive there's no "Mark all as..." option, nor any way to filter account changes from the 100+ spambot registrations we get weekly.
    Let me have a look. Gotta be something on the XenForo plugin site.
    Added an addon for it, which hopefully should let you mass reject spam registrations or what not.
    Since I see a lot of complaining about replies on social media, a quick reminder...

    Posting online in a public forum is like standing on a soapbox at Speaker's Corner, not talking to your 3 mates in the pub. Gotta expect others to react.
    Hmm, is it me or are wikis kind dying out? Feels like the level of activity on most wikis I use and contribute to has declined significantly in recent years...
    Depends on what kind of Wiki I suppose. I feel like Fandom's mishandling of Wikia since it acquired it may also be a factor.
    Sigh, 2023 has been a terrible year for me, and sadly this Christmas isn't looking much better.

    It also taught me how few people seem to actually care, since just about everyone I thought I was friends with has shown zero concern about anything.
    Damn I just realised the Gaming Reinvented link went to a broken page. It now goes to the site home page instead.
    So, anyone else look at Pizza Tower and think "hmm, wonder when this game is coming to Switch?"

    Just feels like the game that'll get announced for the console at some Direct or another.
    • Like
    Reactions: Terrormisu
    it almost definitely is, considering the game pretty much wants to be a nintendo game lol
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    @Magma Don't forget the name of the sewer level, and the brown outfit
    (maybe Oh Crap and Crappy Cook, or even Oh Poop and Garbage Cook, but is that really necessary?)
    • Agree
    Reactions: Magma
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    idk maybe it'll come to switch, and if so, hopefully it comes to consoles in general, if it came to ps plus, I'd renew it (for the month, not the year, price increase
    I've always found it so goofy when people write their age as 'level [age]' in social media bios.

    Does that mean I start one shotting everything when I reach retirement?
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Yeah, and your dreams are just grinding attempts, and when you die in a nightmare and wake up, you're respawning where you saved
    That would make sense why I have so many dreams of fighting demons and mosters lol
    Also yeah @CM30 that is pretty silly but just says to me that they play a lot of pokemon or RPG in general. When I think of my age in levels I'm like @_@ wow i'm almostst on my final evolution.

    More like when you get that age you gotta watch out getting one shot by the floor tho
    Hey guys, been a bit down recently, so not really had the energy to work on much. Sorry for that.
    Sorry if what we just talked about in the forums brought you down at all (assuming but obviously might be something else)

    Hope whatever it is your load lightens soon
    It's nothing to do with anything discussed here. Just unfortunate and depressing life circumstances in general sadly.
    Life can throw us a lot and sometimes all at once, I'm sorry for what you're going through and really hope that the rainy days give way to some sunshine for you.
    God this year has been kinda rough for me, and I'm not sure how to keep going. Just feels like everything has gone wrong in 2023.
    • Sad
    Reactions: Glowsquid
    I know I cannot make your problems go away and we are not close. But regardless, I hope it will get better for you one day. If you need to talk about it with someone, you should.
    Thanks guys. I'm just really depressed at the moment, and find it hard to do anything anymore. Feels like everything went wrong this year, and it's only halfway done...
    Damn, I really need to check in on this place more. But I've been really busy with YouTube, as well as the Gaming Reinvented site.
    I think only within the last few weeks has there been an uptick in activity so doesn't seem like you've missed much.
    Funny this place is getting active again as all the big social media sites are shitting their pants
    Not surprised given that the Wario subreddit has apparently shut down. This place and Studio21 are the main communities left lol.
    Hey CM30! How's things been? Haven't talked to you on a forum for a LONG time!
    • Like
    Reactions: Kaptain K. Rool
    Yeah I'm okay. Been very busy with work and Gaming Reinvented stuff recently, so I haven't really had time for this place sadly.
    You should come drop by Nintendo 3DS Central and make a post or two! We miss you there and we'd like to know how you're doing, even if it's a brief visit! ;)
    Oh hey, this place exists. I'll definitely return if there's a new Wario Land game announced, lol.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Bruh of course it exists, you created it.

    If you're gonna return only when a new Wario Land gets announced, well then I'm afraid we won't see you for a long, very long time. Unless Antonblast counts as well.
    POV: You are CM30. It is the year 2130.
    >A Wario Land title on the Nintendo Beat has been confirmed.
    You have returned to Wario forums.
    2019-05-17 (51).png >By now, the forum had run out of hydrogen and exploded, rapidly expanding into an incandescent void. Massive red clouds form the miasma SYRP-WL399. The skyline is peppered with stars elsewhere in the greater Crepe Nebula. It looks breathtaking.
    2020-06-18 (177).png >Just a Wario Fan has noticed your presence. Unfettered, he approaches, hurtling through this vortex with clothes and hair flapping about -- faster than his RPM would suggest.
    2019-05-17 (52).png "The footage they showed on Nintendo Re:House looked very promising. I feel like I can finally get my hopes up again." You could barely hear his voice over the howling wind, but for the first time in a long while, you indeed had much to talk about.
    Greedy Trickster
    Greedy Trickster
    underrated reply lol
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