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  • Billy has more toys than you!
    You just won't be happy until your parents get you a buzzsaw Louie, the only toy with a working buzzsaw and the true meaning of christmas.
    When I was but a wee autistic lad, I loved the fact that they had a little glove on a stick specifically for pressing the nose, and especially that the nose made such a satisfying click when it was pressed.

    ...Whatever happened to all those other Louies, though?
    Interesting fact about the second Wah Thang, aka the Peaceful Villa: for the melody, all I did was go into Chords under Piano Roll, click on scale, then placed a note down on the first key that played for whatever other instrument, Eb or F# or something like that. From there, it was just me copy-pasting different parts of the scale, editing lengths, etc., and yet I still ended up with a decent-sounding melody.
    I'm only just now starting to reach toward my actual potential when it comes to composing, so the fact that I did as well as I did there gets my past self a little pat on the back
    This latest piano piece is really simple and should NOT BE THIS HARD.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Piano playing in a nutshell. That's why I don't upload anything I play. At least for now.
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Pardon me for intruding, but which piece are you currently learning? I'm a pianist myself, so I know what a pain some of the "classics" can be.
    No, it's exercises that the teacher himself writes up. I just have to play those for the assignments. The one I'm complaining about here I already finished. Thank you for offering, though :D
    One thing really cool that I've discovered is that Bing Crosby-era songs, even when slowed to my usual 0.707x editing speed*, the sound quality doesn't suffer barely at all. The brass in this one song I'm listening to literally just sounds like the band decided to play it slower and in a different key.

    *0.707x / -29.287% is the best speed for making MIDIs at, in my experience, because it balances speed and sound quality with hearing more stuff at once; same thing with 1.41x, since that's the same thing only it's an octave on the other side of the base sound clip, know what I mean?
    I like that the sound of a piano is so distinct that I can turn this audio track to -13db and not hear the normally overpowering electric guitar anywhere near as much as I can nearly *every* piano note. effects, compression and all other additive/compromising circumstances aside, the thing is literally impossible to not recognize
    Man, when is Hardee's going to learn that you do not put sweet bread on a burger, it's completely overpowering
    Sice you seem to know a lot about game music, I have a question for you:
    Do you know which sound or what sound settings are used in this track https://youtu.be/zBPTJI2shxs?list=PL65A509B85621C5BB between 0:19-0:22 and 0:26-0:30? And do you know of any other 8-bit tracks that use this particular timbre? I have never heard a more ear-pleasing sound coming from my GBC, and it seems to be fairly unique, as I've never heard anything close to it in other games.
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Not to steal tahutoa's thunder, but I believe that's a 25% duty cycle pulse wave. Nothing out of the ordinary about it, actually. It's just one of the four basic pulse duty cycles that you hear all the time on the NES & GB.
    That's a 50% Pulse Wave, featuring an extended 'release' time, of sorts, not quite the actual 'release time' cc you'd find in midi, but that's what causes the smooth fade-out effect (think about it like if you pressed a piano key, there's always a little cooldown), and there's a second 50% pulse with the same settings layered beneath it to work as an echo. Chances are, it's probably an actual volume decrease thing, or maybe extra notes placed in at a quieter volume to achieve that same effect. I must agree though, it does sound very pleasant.

    Pretty much every instrument in the song seems to feature extended release, from what I can tell.
    As for other songs that use this, I believe the first two phases of the Wario fight feature this, by coincidence-- vaguely remember that being a deciding factor, but I can't remember if it was a 50% wave or not. no wait, the ECHO was, but the main thing was a 12.5%. They did have the release time, though, and it was really a pleasant sound.

    Oh, and upon a second look, the echo square wave sounds like it's been pitched down by about six cents: not enough to really notice until you get to the long extended notes, where the main wave is still going by the time the echo comes in.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Thanks for your clarification. I knew about pulse waves before, and how they are used, but the strange thing was that while they are very common in 8-bit vgm, I didn't recognise them as such in this track, probably because of the ¨extend¨ effect you brought up. Upon closer listening, the echo effect is quite evident in this track. It's also used in the Museum theme of this game, if my ears don't deceive me.

    Anyway, it has always both pleased and amazed me how the relatively simple sound chips of the GBC were capable of producing such marvellous tones.
    I haven't played that much GBC games though, so maybe my thought of this particular ¨rank¨ being unique doesn't hold that much truth to it.

    There's one more thing that I think is worth sharing: I remember that during an experiment at school, I was somehow able to reproduce a sound almost identical to the one heard in this track, using a transistor-based oscillator circuit. (Which is also how sound chips generate their tones, I believe.)
    So, today I discovered that if you put a Low-Pass filter on the Wildflower Reed preset and set the frequency to ~1192, it sounds like a bassoon or an oboe, one of the two.. or a clarinet, admittedly but that one's definitely a stretch.
    @Robin if you want some dope synth sounds FluidR3_GM is the way to go-- that Saw Wave is killer especially, it's so dope paired with a Synth Bass 2
    • Like
    Reactions: Robin
    That thumbs up tells me you've discovered what I was talking about ;o

    (For anyone wondering: if you've heard the SC upload of my Crygor MIDI, that bass in the left hand speaker is the combination of both of these instruments, layered on top of each other)
    Damn, I am feeling really torn on Touched's instruments, because some of them are fantastic (pretty much any stringed instrument, bassy-sounding organs, Wario's heavenly voice), while others are just flaming garbage (they thought *that* could ever replace the Hall of Hieroglyph organs??), and this is just while looking at the Sound Bank for the title screen.

    Also, apparently there are a lot of DOPE synth sounds, though they kind of dangle WL4's cool-ass Deow Bass in front of you by having it only play on the keys where it sounds kinda terrible.

    Oh okay apparently Masked Dedede is here as well.

    Moving onto BANK_crygor_demo (cuz that's a damn fine midi), why would they include two separate instances if it's the same trumpet?
    Currently going through the audio files for Touched with VGMTrans (going to attempt to make a soundfont... eventually... sigh...), and I must say, I really appreciate that the voice for Ashley, you know, actually sounds like a kid?? (Glares at Brawl)
    • Agree
    Reactions: GreenToxic
    I don't even care if it's potentially the same person playing the part, and if so: you ain't a kid anymore lady!
    I dreamed that David and Shane from the upside down show were playing dark souls II and were doing better than professional players.
    I'm only so hard on Gold because I *know* it had the potential to be one of the greatest WarioWare titles ever created
    They really should have put a lot more minigames than it had considering it was only a little above from what Twisted had, and not really Twisted was the best warioware.
    Note that I said **one of** the greatest. And considering the whole appeal of Gold was that it was supposed to be a big ol' compilation of microgames from the first three titles, you'd think that they'd preserve their memory with a bit more care, and given that there were so many to choose from, they really should have polled the fans and like, get people's lists of "microgames to include for the three sections" using a check box system where every microgame was represented by a little screenshot, and you could put a certain amount of microgames into your "yes box". Then at the end of the survey period the amount of votes determines a given microgame's likelihood percentage, y'feel me?
    Like, say for the WW inc. section, everyone and their brother is gonna pick the Punch-Out game because iconic, so that'd have a 92% rating, but then you have that one game where the leprechaun man is trying to fill his tea cup, which a lot of people haven't even heard of (outside of us WAAcolytes, anyway), so it'd rank a good amount lower, maybe 6-7% (and that's being generous).
    Anyways what I'm saying is I would have been great for WW Gold marketing :P
    It's a damn shame that Nintendo execs don't really have any clue of how to handle their IP's that aren't the Big Boys Zelda and Mario
    Ay yo I just tried to leave a review on Robin's WW title recreation to tell her those preset recreations were pretty dope (except for the Deow Bass which was only *kinda* dope but that's excusable because I don't know if recreating such a concentration of distilled radical is even possible) BUT THE REVIEW DIDN'T POST ;_;
    Look into this, special forces! Launch the probe! Get CoolMan30 on it! FETCH MY COAT!
    To this day it fills me with great pride that the impression I made upon joining WAA Forums I'd handled so well that it even had the Big Boys (Magma, 3WB, Good King CM30, etc.) collectively going like "who's *this* guy?" I'd never felt so welcome or so proud to be who I am, I think. Even if everybody on the forums tends to be about as active as I am, it's nice to know that everybody's on the same page. Very nice community here, and I like to think my year on the forum has had a positive effect on me. So, thank you all

    (In other news, it's a shame that all the comments on said Magma's post, left by CM30, 3WB, Robin, and maybe JAWF as well disappeared except for mine (likely as a side effect of the site-wide update that gave us WAAbsite 2.0). ...Back then, before I had CM30's username memorized, I thought that he and JAWF were one and the same due to their similar profile pictures and pleasant demeanor :P)
    Does anyone know if/where I can find a Wario World soundfont? I'm asking because there's a Luigi's Mansion soundfont (I know because I have it) and the two tend to be seen as sister titles
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Actually, I'm pretty sure Wario World uses pre-rendered audio files rather than an in-game midi system -- I could be wrong, however.
    Yeah, that's what I thought too, but to be fair you can easily hear that the music is sequenced, and that the instruments are very reminiscent of the kind found in an sf2. Even the beautiful saxophones from Greenhorn are like that.
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