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  • So where the hell do I find an actual full analysis of world 1-1? Why do people keep syaing everyone has analyzed it, and I can't find any? I found a supossed analysis at reddit, but it's just a dead link...
    I want to read an article analyzing the "World 1-1 from the origional Super Mario Bros". People keep saying the level has already been analyzed to death... Well, if that's so - WHERE THE F*** ARE THOSE ANALYSES? I've been googling it for ages, but the only thing I could find is "analysis by DesignClub", and Myamoto himself explaining the design philosophy.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    I remember seeing a video on Youtube about W 1-1 and how it was actually ¨really freakin' clever.¨ But that's about the only thing I know.
    The very first Let's Play i ever watched was a certain LP of Wario Land 3. And one thing about that LP is that the guy beat the story mode before getting all the treasures, and then went back to 100% he treasures. Which makes a lot of sense. That's how I always play the game. Unfortunatly, I haven't seen much LPs that do this, everybody wants to get the 100 treasures first, and only then defeat the boss. Well, you know what, when I eventually LP the game, I will beat story first, and 100% the treasures after that, like the game was meant to be played. That's just my personal style, and I'll be sticking to it.
    Seeing an LP of Waro Land 4, where the guy playng doesn't put much effort into exploring or investigating suspicous areas, gets annoyed that the exploration makes levels take longer than 5 minutes, gives up on puzzles after just 1 attempt, and fails to explain and demonstrate things really makes me think I could do better...
    I have only one thing to say about the Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle. The biggest surprise was that Miyamoto himself asked Ubisoft to make a game that's very different from what we've seen before. Miyamoto himself wanting something that isn't playing it safe.
    I came across you again, but I can't comment. ;D (on 8-Bit Music Theory's Patreon :))
    ah, well I have requested 8-Bit Music Theory to do a very interesting topic, and I've actually sujjested some Wario Land 2 and 3 tracks as examples. Not telling you what the video will be about, just be on the look out for it :P
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    That sounds very interesting indeed!!
    well, it's not specificly on Wario Land, so there's no garantee that the music tracks I sujkested will get talked about. But i do hope so.
    8BMT has got a lot of requests, so it could take until June or July for him to get to it.
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    Did I just meet a different wariolandgoldpiramid? :confused:
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    Reactions: Dumribble
    I borrowed it from a girl, I like it so far xD
    I did not like it.
    Piglets Big Game (GBA) was better
    I actually didn't end up completing it, I forgot where I needed to go and the game got extremely boring later on. (Talking about Rumbly Tumbly Adventure, I never played Piglet's Big Game)
    Did you just watch and unwatch me? :confused: I mean, follow and unfollow?
    Are you planning on buying Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 any time soon? :)
    Welcome! I've seen you so much on youtube :P Just like shyguyxxl, really. It's great to have you here!
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