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  • Well, getting ready to advertise this site and Gaming Reinvented. Feel like helping out by providing a banner or image for it? Cause if so, we'll give your personal account credit in the ad as well, and be willing to pay you as well.
    Am I being too ruthless in trying to get this site to be both more active and profitable? Maybe, but I just feel that there's a massive untapped market out there that do care about Wario Land or WarioWare but just don't know of any sites about it yet. People who could leave Tumblr/DeviantArt/whatever and talk about Wario games and characters here instead.
    Also, I'm gonna add paid memberships to this site as well. With some very interesting features to go with it...
    Maybe I should actually have paid advertising for Gaming Reinvented and Wario Forums. Might get a few more new users.
    On another note, if I ever get given a 'lecture' relating to anything SJW like (such as at a university or political club), I am 100% going to call the speaker out on it. And then utterly demolish every argument and feeling they have right in front of everyone else.
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    Reactions: Metal
    I agree. Sometimes there ARE problems in our countries but there is many overreaction and overblowing of it. Anyway If I see people being apologetic to CERTAIN issues in the countries I mentioned I'm definitely going to speak out
    Why are you talking about SJW's so much?
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    Reactions: Robin
    I imagined CM30 in my head fighting a bunch of crazies.
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    Reactions: Robin
    Thanks for the weird message @ckd... I have no comment.
    Seriously though, I do believe aliens exist, though they likely haven't visited Earth yet. Hopefully they're more like thpse in Star Wars than the Daleks, Shroobs or Combine.

    No, for whatever reason Wario doesn't seem to have encountered any in his own adventures. Which is kind of odd given the series we're talking about...
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    Reactions: daria
    what about orbulon
    True, forgot about him for a bit. And the alien space rabbits in Mike's stage. But it's weird he never fought any.
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    Reactions: daria
    Today I've been told not to come into work yet I still get paid. YAY FOR GETTING PAID WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING! ^^
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    Reactions: Rei
    Pity Payment?
    Biggest goof since I got here. I posted this on Cm30's profile by mistake, for some reason I thought I was still on mine. X3
    I've almost done that before and had. XD
    Still, anyone else feel they're almost living in a time warp? That they'd have been better off at least twenty years ago and just don't 'get' modern society? Just feels like my interests and skillset would have been so much better for the 90s than the current day. Being an adult in the time when internet forums were the main type of communication (along with IRC, Usenet, etc) would have suited a bit better than this Twitter/Facebook/Instagram malarky. Or the days where an internet company required nothing more than HTML, CSS and odd bit of CGI scripting instead of this 'web app' stuff.
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    Reactions: 607, Rei and Robin
    I can see why! living as another character! Like the body swap concept, it would be as close as it gets! :)
    Yeah, a bit. I'd like to live 30 or 40 years earlier in my same age. A lot of my hobbies, interests, and straight down to musical and fashion taste would fit better in 1978-1985.
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    Reactions: Robin
    I get it sometimes. But I always end up being happy with living now instead of then. Because now I can enjoy technology from the '80's up to the present, and hopefully years or even decades into the future. If I had been born in the '70's I might've been able to see the technology I enjoy so much now arise, but then I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the present stuff as a teen.
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    Reactions: Robin
    Then again, maybe its for the better. Someone who cares more about money than anything else running a Wario fan site. Almost poetic, isn't it?
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    Reactions: Rei and Robin
    Nothing wrong with that! No money, no food, no house, no nothing. You're just following the community's twisted greedy world that we are trapped in. Might as well enjoy it! xD
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    Reactions: Rei
    I have an addiction.
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    Reactions: Robin
    Wow, people have real strong opinions on the length of a profile post.
    Random boring fact: When WarioWare Touched came out, I was the same age as Ashley is in the game. Given I'm now 26, that makes the game seem kind of ancient now!
    Let's see if this much longer profile post limit works. It seems to, based on the counter, but we'll need to test it to find out for sure. Which is annoying, because I have way more important things to do than test out features on sites that aren't a priority. But hey, it seems to work, right?
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    Reactions: Rei
    Seems to.
    Too long? :S
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    Reactions: Rei
    I don't mind it being too long,not like anyone is going to use 5,000 characters. But I guess that's the problem.
    Also, gonna change the character limit again here. No idea why it's not a simple XenForo setting...
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    Reactions: Rei and Robin
    Yeah, always though it was kind of short...
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    Reactions: Rei
    Oh,man can't wait for my posts to actually make sense!
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    Reactions: Robin
    Hope that video never ends up public on the internet! I like being mysterious!
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