Well, getting ready to advertise this site and Gaming Reinvented. Feel like helping out by providing a banner or image for it? Cause if so, we'll give your personal account credit in the ad as well, and be willing to pay you as well.
Am I being too ruthless in trying to get this site to be both more active and profitable? Maybe, but I just feel that there's a massive untapped market out there that do care about Wario Land or WarioWare but just don't know of any sites about it yet. People who could leave Tumblr/DeviantArt/whatever and talk about Wario games and characters here instead.
On another note, if I ever get given a 'lecture' relating to anything SJW like (such as at a university or political club), I am 100% going to call the speaker out on it. And then utterly demolish every argument and feeling they have right in front of everyone else.
If you're that much of a SJW type... just stop writing. Just check yourself into a mental institution or something. I hear Arkham Asylum is nice this time of year.
Still, anyone else feel they're almost living in a time warp? That they'd have been better off at least twenty years ago and just don't 'get' modern society? Just feels like my interests and skillset would have been so much better for the 90s than the current day. Being an adult in the time when internet forums were the main type of communication (along with IRC, Usenet, etc) would have suited a bit better than this Twitter/Facebook/Instagram malarky. Or the days where an internet company required nothing more than HTML, CSS and odd bit of CGI scripting instead of this 'web app' stuff.
Random boring fact: When WarioWare Touched came out, I was the same age as Ashley is in the game. Given I'm now 26, that makes the game seem kind of ancient now!
Let's see if this much longer profile post limit works. It seems to, based on the counter, but we'll need to test it to find out for sure. Which is annoying, because I have way more important things to do than test out features on sites that aren't a priority. But hey, it seems to work, right?