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  1. Baker Man

    Wario Teaches Typing - Happy New Year 2025

    Basically, the Christmas special is being finished by Oh Boi on Sunday, so it won't be finished in time for New Year, so I will be writing a New Year's special Har/Con: December 31st, 2024, 5 PM, New Year's Eve is upon us, and only 7 hours until 2025. L: I'm so excited Harris/Conor, I can't...
  2. Baker Man

    Post your hardest gaming screenshots here

    Post some of your coolest screenshots. I'll start. 1. Left 4 Dead 2 (I have modded the crap out of that game obviously) 2. Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (Also this one is definitely wallpaper material imo)
  3. Baker Man

    Baker Man/Spooky Baker's Wahctober posts

    Start of Wahctober 2024 Day 1 (From Remastered/new MoD soundfont covers) I'm starting October out with a spooky one, Murders by Miracle Musical. (If it sounds familiar, the end was used in multiple memes)
  4. Baker Man

    Who do you think has a more diverse music taste?

    I ask this because they both definitely have wide music tastes. At least in my headcanon. First of all, they absolutely listen to rock and/or metal. I'm not exactly sure what else they listen to, but I definitely see Wario listening to some weird stuff like maybe some Lemon Demon (side note...
  5. Baker Man

    What do the "Diamond City (blank)" labels mean?

    Like "Diamond City Insider"
  6. Baker Man

    Sega Vs Capcom?

    I know this is late, but look at this article first so[/URL], this thread is for speculation, characters, gimmicks, etc.
  7. Baker Man

    The Misadventures Of Sans and Papyrus (feat. The Others)

    This is what happened at the houses in WTT between when they were in India and when they were in Call Of The Dead I will do Sonic's house, where the skeleton brothers stayed. At Sonic's house, Papyrus goes over to Sonic's computer... P: I'm going to use the computer. s: should you go clear your...
  8. Baker Man

    WTT Concepts (No spoilers)

    This is a thread where I think the 3 of us (me, @DabbitDaMips, and @Oh boi) should put some concepts for Wario Teaches Typing. No spoilers until we get to that part tho. (Who the mystery character is, who the final boss is, a character's death, etc.) My mind is brimming with ideas already, but I...
  9. Baker Man

    here's a picture i made and no i didn't use a stock background

    I drew new art for WTT, focusing on the mystery character, giving some ideas on who it may be to keep the readers (and my co-writers) guessing, although I already have one in mind. characters left to right are: Mario (Mario), Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin), Carpaccio (Wario MoD), Anton...
  10. Baker Man

    This is a homie checkpoint

    You good bro?
  11. Baker Man

    Wario Forums Hunger Games

    I'll be setting up some Hunger Games with user submitted/nominated characters/users, I have a poll set up for whether the first will be users or characters. @ someone to nominate them (inspired by the GBATemp Hunger Games), or submit a character with a picture included, I will also add...
  12. Baker Man

    Undertale/Pizza Tower essay

    (Intro pragraph) Undertale and Pizza Tower are 2 very popular games, and they are also 2 sides of the same coin. Don't believe me? They both have great gameplay and amazing characters and music. Come along as I compare the 2 games. (Finished art)
  13. Baker Man

    Nothing compares

    let's confuse the non pizza tower fans, post a picture of a pizza box with a chef on it with the caption "Nothing Compares!"
  14. Baker Man

    Wario, Sonic, Tails, and Dedede react to ship art

    I got positive feedback on the post I made about this potentially happening, so here we go, text color key (and in case you're colorblind, will also have a letter for who's talking, or will be signed by whoever's talking if he's the only one talking in a post): Blue = Sonic, Red = Dedede...
  15. Baker Man

    Might do an essay abt Undertale and Pizza Tower

    They are but 2 sides of the same coin, crazy popular indie games with good gameplay, and astonishing characters and music. I think that would be a great essay, should I do it?
  16. Baker Man

    boss music thread

    They can be classified as such Regular boss themes, Final boss themes. and miscellaneous (not sure if it counts/remixes).
  17. Baker Man

    (insert obligatory Discord/WF sings thread here)

    It starts with
  18. Baker Man

    who's your favorite tf2 merc?

    my favorites are scout, not sure how to put the reason, but his personality basically, and demo because of this
  19. Baker Man

    List some goofy ahh Super Mario World rom hacks here

    Super Toad Planet - A meme hack where you play as Toad and save Daffy Duck from The Noise (yes, that Noise) Super Diagonal Mario 2 - A rom hack likely made for Vinesauce Joel. Mario's Mystery Meat - A rom hack of compiled Vinesauce references, made for Vinny. Vids: Toad Diagonal Meat What...
  20. Baker Man

    what is some random trivia you know?

    i'll start, henrik ibsen's last words, in response to his nurse telling a visitor that he was feeling better, were "On the contrary!"