Are all of the Ashley appearences leading up to something?

I tried looking Warioware on DA on my laptop, desktop and phone and no fat Ashley's, the weirdest thing there was naked mona delivering pizza, didn't help that I was eating an apple, nearly threw up. Had to go down for a whole minute just to find one (keep in mind I was scrolling down pretty fast.)

So, you'd have to look that picture up and not just type in Warioware. Was this worth proving you wrong? no, no it wasn't
What I ment was that you can pretty much find these "things" in just a few seconds on DA.

Welcome to DeviantArt, home to the weirdest fetish, so weird that it makes 4Chan slightly cringe.

Just as a little side note : When your icon appears on the alerts, it's so small that it looks like this fish yelling ---

im not going to get over the Fat (ba dum tss) that someone spent probably hours on end trying to get her giant fat rolls right. and whats worse is that they probably get off to this stuff AS THEY DRAW IT! or, yknow, is a mind emo and likes slicing their brain until it bleeds
Going back to the main topic, at this point the handling of Ashley has been interesting. It's almost like Tingle but only in some ways. Obviously Tingle is a polarizing figure and Zelda is a much more popular series but there are a couple similarities. So far it seems Ashley is just being milked for all her worth in Japan and anything that may spill out of Japan is just mostly an afterthought. When it comes to actual game plans it seems she isn't really heading anywhere. In Megamix she was shown as equal to the other WarioWare cast and while she was one of the first to appear in Mario Maker a lot of the inclusions in that game are bizarre or just cash ins so it doesn't hold a lot of weight. At this point all this Ashley stuff just looks like cash grabs and there hasn't been any real hints that Nintendo believes Ashley can carry on her own.
Going back to the main topic, at this point the handling of Ashley has been interesting. It's almost like Tingle but only in some ways. Obviously Tingle is a polarizing figure and Zelda is a much more popular series but there are a couple similarities. So far it seems Ashley is just being milked for all her worth in Japan and anything that may spill out of Japan is just mostly an afterthought. When it comes to actual game plans it seems she isn't really heading anywhere. In Megamix she was shown as equal to the other WarioWare cast and while she was one of the first to appear in Mario Maker a lot of the inclusions in that game are bizarre or just cash ins so it doesn't hold a lot of weight. At this point all this Ashley stuff just looks like cash grabs and there hasn't been any real hints that Nintendo believes Ashley can carry on her own.
eager to dive back in, are we?
i heard one person say nintendo is actually attempting to overinflate hype so it essentially 'pops' and just dies out. but then again, this was from a wikia. we all know about (and probably partook in, shame on those of you) the bull behind editable articles.
Well Tingle at least got his own game, and Nikki has Swapnote. Ashley could potentially break out and get a game, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
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It could but it very well may be a Japan-only third party game. I'm just going off of observations and also wanting to get away from creepy DA art.
so basically its going to be this game, except nintendo decides playing keep away with the annoying westerners is better than more money.
I'm sure if there's a majority of people who knows and talks about Ashley, then she could pretty much get her own game or even spawn a series. Tingle got his game through his popularity of memes and such, Nikki I have no idea how her popularity came but ok.
Well there's also the factor of how much effort would go into localizing it since you typically can't release a game straight out of japan without some changes. The only exception if the game is light on text or mostly devoid of it.
I'm sure if there's a majority of people who knows and talks about Ashley, then she could pretty much get her own game or even spawn a series. Tingle got his game through his popularity of memes and such, Nikki I have no idea how her popularity came but ok.
how, no, why did tingle get his own game, most people thought he should have stayed in wind waker jail.