[DEAD] Wario Land 3 Hack Project

I can't seem to connect to the treasure database :/ And I need it, because I'm pretty sure I found another mistake that needs fixing on the mario wiki. I got lots of videos uploaded today, I'll have the cutscene database completed some time soon, hopefully! :D

Edit: Hey, wariolandgoldpiramid, couldn't you edit that in? Now you stole the 1000th message from me xD
This thread is growing really fast :rolleyes:
Would there be a way to start a rom with empty rooms with no regions? I'm having a hard time deleting everything in an existing level so I can make my own.
This thread is growing really fast :rolleyes:
Would there be a way to start a rom with empty rooms with no regions? I'm having a hard time deleting everything in an existing level so I can make my own.
I could do that, but Drenn, is a rectangular Tileset Editor something you are inserting into v0.5?
I think now that I'm done with these 2 big R&A projects, I'm going to take a rest from doing work on the hack for a while :p

So, did anyone take a look at the Treasure Map?
I'd like some feedback :)
It looks good, but I feel like I need to get used to looking through it, but once I know everything, I feel like this will be easy to look through. (If that makes sence)
I can't give you feedback by only looking at it. I need to use it prior to saying what I think about it.
I'm getting used to the treasure database, and really like it :)
So it is indeed so that the Fire Drencher unlocks paths in both the east and the west crater. Yay, another thing I'll need to fix on then mariowiki :D
I actually have all the level codes memorised at this point :p
But they are at the top of T.M and they are in the T.D.
Use the 2 files at the same time if you want to :p

Also, as you can see, the path from grassland red to volcano green is marked with a dotted line, instead of a straight line.
This is because i believe we can change this, by moving the fire snake into an area that does not require the mine cart wheels to reach
This thread is growing really fast :rolleyes:
Would there be a way to start a rom with empty rooms with no regions? I'm having a hard time deleting everything in an existing level so I can make my own.
There is a way to delete regions, but it's really dumb, so I'll add in a "delete region" button :P

I could do that, but Drenn, is a rectangular Tileset Editor something you are inserting into v0.5?
You mean the rectangular fill tool? I haven't done it yet. I was thinking, since certain levels have repeating patterns more than 1 tile big, some kind of more customizable brush would be nice, but... that's more work than I'm going to get into right now. So a rectangle tool would be nice in the meantime.
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I put all the Golf Puzzles that we designed so far into Gameplay & Puzzles folder :)

But wait... There's more!
I took Idea #1, thought more about it, and created an interesting puzzle with it :D
I think it would be a good puzzle for The Vast Plain Blue Chest.

I put the puzzle in the Hack Folder, Gameplay & Puzzles subfolder.
Well, mind as well post it here as well :p

Also, ShyGuy, could you put the sprites that you created into the Custom Graphics subfolder?
I don't wanna go throught the entire thread hunting for them :p

Mad Scientist.png
Also, ShyGuy, could you put the sprites that you created into the Custom Graphics subfolder?
I don't wanna go throught the entire thread hunting for them :p
View attachment 225
Will do, once I get home. I don't have them all on my Laptop. ...but even if I did, I can't find any such subfolder...
...maybe Google Drive isn't updating... D:

I'll do it :3
Aw man, I wanted to! :<

The puzzle looks good so far but we need to put one row of solid blocks over the pipes or else Wario can jump up out of them.
Also once you drop down to where that pipe is in the second room there's no way to ever get back out of the room. You need to add another opening to drop through behind the eye wall.
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Will do, once I get home. I don't have them all on my Laptop. ...but even if I did, I can't find any such subfolder...
...maybe Google Drive isn't updating... D:

Aw man, I wanted to! :<

The puzzle looks good so far but we need to put one row of solid blocks over the pipes or else Wario can jump up out of them.
Also once you drop down to where that pipe is in the second room there's no way to ever get back out of the room. You need to add another opening to drop through behind the eye wall.

Didn't think of it!
Then we could add a gap to the left of the horizontal green pipe that Wario can fall down to the door