Kinnikuman, a pro wrestling anime that started in 1983 that came from a manga that started in 1979. Also, just to end this, I like her Twisted outfit the most though her first outfit is probably her most iconic to me.From which show is this?
Kinnikuman, a pro wrestling anime that started in 1983 that came from a manga that started in 1979. Also, just to end this, I like her Twisted outfit the most though her first outfit is probably her most iconic to me.From which show is this?
That's how you'd say it.Look, her outfit keeps changing with every game, but her design changed in Game & Wario. What's so hard to understand about this?
Most of this thread pre-dates her Gold redesign, which might've shifted the tables a bit. The Rhythm Heaven'ification of Mona in G&W didn't help matters much, that's for sure IMO.So I guess it's agreed that Mona's original design is the best? I guess that's what I'm getting from this thread, lol.
Aside from her original look, I really like how she appears in DIY. She has a cool look and story in that game, too bad her being a adventurer never appeared in anything else. I agree with some of the comments here that her design in DIY would compliment a Wario Land game.