Hello, Hi All ( ゚▽゚)/

CT was awesome, I really liked that game a ton. I never finished it (couldnt beat final boss) but the game is definitely a must play if you like JRPGs.
The DS version is great, too. They reworked the original translation though and made a couple of dumb retranslations, like "mystics" to "fiends." Regardless though it still holds up great.
Whaaaaaassaaaaaappp new person. Welcome to the family. I can't really add anything a bunch of people haven't already taught you but that won't stop me. Anyways people here are nice, very social, Talk to you and stuff, like wario (you would not have figured that out just me). Put a virtual roof over your head, other stuff. so yeah welcome.
I can tell you that I actually HAVE played Aidyn Chronicles back in my young baby years. I had no clue what I was doing of course, but I did play it! Maybe I should see if I can dig out my old copy...

And Hiya! ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
Haha, I also didnt understand it when I first played it when I was young : p I didnt beat it until I was 17 : p

But yeah, its definitely worth playing, its way great. You should totally give it another chance.