Hey Guys, Ask Me Anything!


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Well, everyone else is doing one of these, so I may as well try one too.

Just don't ask anything NSFW, since I'm not exactly the kind of person to talk about that stuff online, lol
What do you think about Wapeach? (if you don't know her, search in google)

You would like a new WarioWare DIY videogame with characters like WarioWare Get It Together, right?

Did you play Super Smash Bros videogames? What is your Super Smash Bros main?

What is your favorite food? (it could be any food)

Do you like some companies foods? (like McDonald's, M&M's or Lay's for example, I mean any companies foods)

How was your last Christmas?

How was your last new year's eve?