Because we can't talk about Wario all the time, eh?
I'm rather glad I got New Super Mario Bros U as part of the MK8 free game promo, as I'm not overly impressed by it. Good level design can't mask the fact that over the course of four iterations, I've been playing games with largely identical assets, featuring largely similar powerups and enemies that are identical in assets, properties and AI. And while the background graphics have been greatly improved, it does little to mask the repetition, as the world themes are still mostly the same and played in the same order, and neither do the increasingly recurring level gimmicks (How many "dark cave with static light sources" stages am I going to play through?). For their oft-critcized repetitious nature, the Mega Man and Armored Core sequels at least introduced a notable amount of new assets to interract with. NSMB can't really claim that.
As an aside, I found a pretty neato site for keeping track and showing off your game collection. Darkadia dot com features a visual presentation of your games, has very extensive custom filtering options and adding new stuff is far less tedious than Backloggery. My only qualm is that there doesn't seem to be a built-in way to list games that are part of a compilation, though that's a really minor complaint overal. If anybody cares, here's my profile.
I'm rather glad I got New Super Mario Bros U as part of the MK8 free game promo, as I'm not overly impressed by it. Good level design can't mask the fact that over the course of four iterations, I've been playing games with largely identical assets, featuring largely similar powerups and enemies that are identical in assets, properties and AI. And while the background graphics have been greatly improved, it does little to mask the repetition, as the world themes are still mostly the same and played in the same order, and neither do the increasingly recurring level gimmicks (How many "dark cave with static light sources" stages am I going to play through?). For their oft-critcized repetitious nature, the Mega Man and Armored Core sequels at least introduced a notable amount of new assets to interract with. NSMB can't really claim that.
As an aside, I found a pretty neato site for keeping track and showing off your game collection. Darkadia dot com features a visual presentation of your games, has very extensive custom filtering options and adding new stuff is far less tedious than Backloggery. My only qualm is that there doesn't seem to be a built-in way to list games that are part of a compilation, though that's a really minor complaint overal. If anybody cares, here's my profile.