This is actually real. Waluigi had his own official mini-flash game for web browsers. It was never backed up, but the file name, image, and old posts of people talking about the game still exist.Waluigi should get his own game, like, Nintendo said the reason he's not in Smash is "He DoEsN't HaVe HiS oWn GaMe, AnD nObOdY cArEs AbOuT hIm." But we do care, so make a Waluigi game, then add him.![]()
GirlsGoGames momentThis is actually real. Waluigi had his own official mini-flash game for web browsers. It was never backed up, but the file name, image, and old posts of people talking about the game still exist.
Waluigi's Foot Fault
Waluigi's Foot Fault, also known as Waluigi's Toenail Clipping Party, is a game that was playable on the official website for Mario Tennis for the Nintendo 64. It is the only game where Waluigi is the main
Is Waluigi from some hillbilly family? Is that why he's so skinny from working all day? Is old Wario Waluigi's farm pal?
i'd always thought since waluigi has always had a theming of being wario's hired gun (since the start he was just some random dude wario called up) an ideal game for him would be an FPS or hunted man type game like hitman for example, maybe a hitman type game with it's own wacky surreal twist :]Waluigi should get his own game, like, Nintendo said the reason he's not in Smash is "He DoEsN't HaVe HiS oWn GaMe, AnD nObOdY cArEs AbOuT hIm." But we do care, so make a Waluigi game, then add him.![]()