I don't even want to know anymore, the post about the ice being dirty already ruined restaurant drinks for myself. Speaking of which I went to a restaurant not even a week ago, I am beyond grossed out.
I wouldn't say I'm on often, I have things to do outside the internet you know. I'm mostly active on weekends, but today I had to take a sick day. All I have is my laptop to pass the time. My father said I could either sleep or go on any of my devices as long as I'm in bed.

I couldn't fall asleep again, so I choose to be on my laptop. Nobody is on Facebook and Wario Forums seems to be the only place I could possibly talk to somebody. So here I am, just reading threads. I'm really starting to know my way around forums like these, thankfully.
Yeah, it can be horrendously boring and icky being stuck in a house all day.
Even something as seemingly trivial as allergies can make for miserable times.
Whatever it is that got you, hope you aren't doing too bad, get well... um... i have ta go.
Tell me about it, it was the worst day of the year (so far). I just stayed in my room all day, couldn't go outside, couldn't go nowhere. It's such a huge pain being sick, but it's gone now.
Yeah, I think it was just a small cold, I wasn't doing so good before. Thanks though. Bye.
My friends were talking about that earlier. I didn't have much to add aside from saying Superman will win because I know next to nothing about Batman, but believe it or not but I'm a small fan for the Man of steel. I watched it with my father and brothers in our movie room a few years back.
I thought Henry Cavill was great. If I said anything about the movie I'd say how does a human stand a chance against a super powered man that could do anything? Then again I have no real knowledge of Batman, so whatever.
You need some bat lessons! First of all, batman is very, very smart and knows how to plan ahead. He took out the justice league with some prep time, he can beat almost anybody (with prep time), even if he doesn't get time to prep he mastered every fighting style there is, he's a real fighting guy.

Not to mention all his gadgets. This is how a human can stand up to the Man of steel.
You said english isn't your native language... Tu parlerais pas français, par hasard?

...Where are you from btw?

And haha I was actually talking about that movie with my boss today (he likes that super hero stuff, I dont : p)

And I was actually thinking about that, the only way Batman could really do anything is if he used kryptonite. So it kinda seems like the story would be pretty predictable : p

I havent been excited for a movie in forever. I was kinda excited about the new star wars film, but a coworker of mine who has the mentality of a 12 year old (that sounds harsh but he really does) was so excited about it he decided to tell me the entire story of it even though I had asked him to please stop. So that kinda ruined it for me : p